Mahmoud Eghtesadifard
Associate Professor
E-Mail: eghtesadifard@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 311
Phone: (71)37354500-07 (Ext. : 2698)
Areas of Interest:
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Game Theory
Mathematical Decision Making models
Performance Evaluation
Strategic Management
Quality Management
Associate Professor
E-Mail: eghtesadifard@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 311
Phone: (71)37354500-07 (Ext. : 2698)
Areas of Interest:
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Game Theory
Mathematical Decision Making models
Performance Evaluation
Strategic Management
Quality Management

Mohammad Bagher Jamali
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: mb.jamali@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Game Theory
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Development
Energy Transition
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: mb.jamali@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Game Theory
Renewable Energy
Sustainable Development
Energy Transition

Morteza Kazemi
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: kaazemi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 312
Phone: (71)3726-1391
Areas of Interest:
Discrete event simulation
Queuing Theory
Facility layout
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: kaazemi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 312
Phone: (71)3726-1391
Areas of Interest:
Discrete event simulation
Queuing Theory
Facility layout

Javad Zarei
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: j.zarei@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Logistics and supply chain management
Mathematical modeling and optimization
System Dynamics
Energy planning and optimization
Revenue management and pricing
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: j.zarei@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Logistics and supply chain management
Mathematical modeling and optimization
System Dynamics
Energy planning and optimization
Revenue management and pricing

naeme zarrinpoor
Associate Professor
E-Mail: zarrinpoor@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 315
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext:2887)
Areas of Interest:
Sustainable Supply chains
Renewable Energy
Waste management
Health systems management
Uncertain programming
Associate Professor
E-Mail: zarrinpoor@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 315
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext:2887)
Areas of Interest:
Sustainable Supply chains
Renewable Energy
Waste management
Health systems management
Uncertain programming