Hassan Pakarzadeh
Academic Appointments
November 2008 - October 2009:
Research Stay at DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
September 2011-December 2016:
Assistant Prof. of Physics, Physics Department, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran.
January 2017-Present:
Associate Prof. of Physics, Physics Department, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran.
Honors & Awards
- Distinguished Researcher of Fars Province, 2022.
- Distinguished Researcher of Shiraz University of Technology, 2022.
- Distinguished Teacher of Physics Department, Shiraz University of Technology, 2022.
- Distinguished Researcher of Physics Department, Shiraz University of Technology, 2021.
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of Iranian Nano-Photonics Conference (2020).
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of Conference on Optical Communications, Optics and Optoelectronics (MIC-OPTICAL 2020).
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2019).
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 10th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2017).
- Distinguished Teacher of Physics Department, Shiraz University of Technology, 2016.
- Distinguished Researcher of Physics Department, Shiraz University of Technology, 2015.
- Member of Organizing Committee of the 20th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2014) and the 6th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2014).
- Scholarship For a Visiting Ph.D. Student in Fiber Optics, Devices and Nonlinear Effects Group at DTU FOTONIK, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2008-2009.
- Distinguished Paper of Atomic Physics Category in the 2nd Annual Iranian Festival of Student Physics Magazines, 2007.
- Scholarship for a Faculty Staff of Shiraz University of Technology, 2006.
Professional Education
- B. Sc.: Physics, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (1998-2002)
- Project: Laser Hazards and Laser Safety
- M. Sc.: Physics (Optics & Lasers), Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (2002-2005)
- Dissertation: Design of Picosecond Pulses in Diode Pumped Solid-State Lasers Using Passive Q-Switching
- Ph. D.: Physics (Optics & Lasers), Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran (2005-2011)
- Thesis: Wavelength Conversion and Parametric Amplification in Highly Nonlinear and Photonic Crystal Fibers
- Research Stay: DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
- Project: Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers: Simulation and Experiment
- Basic Physics (I),(II),(III),
- Basic Mathematics,
- Basic Physics Lab. (I),(II),(III),
- Optics Lab.
- Modern Physics Lab.
- Analytical Mechanics,
- Electricity and Magnetism,
- Quantum Mechanics,
- Modern Physics,
- Modern Optics,
- Applied Optics,
- Optical Devices: Theory and Technology.
- Optical Electronics
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Optical Testing
- Optoelectronics
- Fiber Optics
- Fabrication Technology of Optical Components
- Optomechanics
- Nonlinear Optics
- Optical Communication Systems
- Advanced Lasers
- Quantum Electronics
- Research Methodology
- Electrodynamics
- Photonics I
- Photonics II
- Fiber Optic Sensors
Current Research
Fiber Optics, Nonlinear Effects, and Devices: Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers and Oscillators (FOPAs & FOPOs), Noise in Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers, Fiber-Optics Communication Systems, Raman and Brillouin Scattering in Optical Fibers, Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs), Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibers (mPOFs), Highly Nonlinear Fibers (HNLFs), Tapered Fibers, Quantum wells and quantum dots, Supercontinuum Generation (SCG), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLSE), Pulse and Beam Propagation in Optical Fibers, Silicon Nanowires, Nano Lasers, THz Photonics, Optical Sensors.
All Publications
Journal Papers:
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Investigation of Scalar Modulation Instability in the Presence of Raman Scattering in Photonic Crystal Fibers,” International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 31-38 (2010).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “A New Numerical Model for the Pump-to-Signal RIN Transfer in Single-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers,” Iranian Journal of Science & Technology (IJST), Transaction A, Vol. 34, No. A3, pp. 185-195 (2010).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, "Numerical modeling of the pump-to-signal relative intensity noise transfer in two-pump fibre optical parametric amplifiers," PRAMANA journal of physics, Vol. 77, No. 4, pp. 655–667 (2011).
- H. Pakarzadeh, K. Nielsen, A. C. Brunetti, K. Rottwitt, and A.Zakery, "Raman Spectra of a PMMA Microstructured Optical Fibre and Direct Measurement of Its Gain Coefficient," International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 67-74 (2012).
- G. Rezaei, M. J. Karimi, and H. Pakarzadeh, "Magnetic field effects on the electron Raman scattering in coaxial cylindrical quantum well wires," Journal of Luminescence, Vol. 143, pp. 551-557 (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A.Zakery, "Modelling of Noise Suppression in Gain-Saturated Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers," Opt. Commun. Vol. 309, pp. 30-36 (2013).
- M. J. Karimi, G. Rezaei, and H. Pakarzadeh, "Electron Raman scattering in single and multilayered spherical quantum dots: Effects of hydrogenic impurity and geometrical size," Physics Letters A, Vol. 377, pp. 2164-2171 (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Bagheri, and A. Keshavarz, “Designing one-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers for an insensitive amplification to dispersion fluctuation,” Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) 1450023 (12 pages).
- H. Pakarzadeh and G.R. Honarasa, "Impact of Input Pump Profile on the Gain Spectrum and the Saturation Behavior of One-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers," International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 91-96 (Summer-Fall 2014).
- H. Pakarzadeh, Parametric amplification in tapered photonic crystal fibers with longitudinally decreasing zero-dispersion wavelength, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Vol. 126, pp. 5509-5512 (2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh and A. Zakery, "Investigation of two-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers for a broadband and flat gain with a low pump-to-signal noise transfer," Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, Vol. 24, No. 3 1550038 (11 pages), (2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh and M. Bagheri, "Impact of Fourth-Order Dispersion Coefficient on the Gain Spectrum and the Saturation Behavior of One-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers," International Journal of Optics and Photonics (IJOP) Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 79-86 (2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and S. M. Rezaei, "Modeling of dispersion and nonlinear characteristics of tapered photonic crystal fibers for applications in nonlinear optics," Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 151-158 (2016).
- M. Bagheri, H. Pakarzadeh and A. Keshavarz, "Gain-saturated one-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers in presence of longitudinal dispersion fluctuations," Applied Optics, Vol. 55, No. 13, pp. 3368-3372 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh and J. Dousti, "Impact of fluctuations of graded-index optical fiber parameters on propagation of Gaussian beams," Jurnal Teknologi Vol. 78, No. 3, pp. 51-55 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh, Z. Delirian, and M. Taghizadeh, "Simulation of Chirped Pulse Propagation in Silicon Nanowires: Shape and Spectrum Analysis," Optics and Photonics Journal, 6, 53-61 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Taghizadeh and H. Hatami, "Designing a Photonic Crystal Fiber for an Ultra-broadband Parametric Amplification in Telecommunication Region," Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, Vol. 25, No. 2 1650023, 13 pages (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh, R. Derakhshan, “Impacts of Structural Parameters on Mode Characteristics of Photonic Crystal Fibers in the Telecommunication Region,” Quarterly Journal of Optoelectronics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 9-16 (2016).
- M. Taghizadeh, M. Hatami, H. Pakarzadeh, and M. K. Tavassoly, "Pulsed optical parametric amplification based on photonic crystal fibres," Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 357-365 (2017)..
- H. Pakarzadeh, Z. Dehghanian and M. Taghizadeh, “Modeling and simulation of a singly resonant fiber optical parametric oscillator ”, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1750013 (2017).
- N. Othman, N.S.M. Shah, K.G. Tay, H. Pakarzadeh, N.A. Cholan One-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier in presence of dispersion fluctuations: Impact of fourth-order dispersion coefficient,” Applied optics, Vol. 56, No. 29, pp. 8303-8308 (2017).
- Z. Norouzi, H. Pakarzadeh, J. Vahedi, Impact of Anisotropy and Frustration Parameters on the Ground State and Entanglement of a Four-qubit Heizenberg Model, Journal of Sciences, Islamic Azad University (JSIAU) 99 (1), 33-46 (2018).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Sharifian, Modelling of a variable optical switch based on the parametric amplification in a photonic crystal fibre, Journal of Modern Optics, 1-5 (2018).
- M. Taghizadeh, M.K. Tavassoly, M. Hatami, H. Pakarzadeh, One-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers: from the pulsed to the continuous wave operation, Optical Engineering 57 (5), 056103(2018).
- H. Pakarzadeh, R. Golabi, C. Peucheret, Two-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers: Beyond the 6-wave model, Optical Fiber Technology 45, 223-230 (2018).
- H. Pakarzadeh, R. Golabi, I.S. Amiri, R. Maiti, V.J. Sorger, P. Yupapin, Two-pump optical parametric amplification in the S-band using a tellurite microstructured optical fiber, Indian Journal of Physics 93 (1), 101-105 (2019).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. M. Rezaei, L Namroodi, Hollow-core photonic crystal fibers for efficient terahertz transmission, Optics Communications 433, 81-88 (2019).
- H. Pakarzadeh, V. Sharif, Control of orbital angular momentum of light in optofluidic infiltrated circular photonic crystal fibers, Optics Communications 438, 18-24 (2019)
- H. Pakarzadeh, S.E. Forghani, I.S. Amiri, Propagation of telecommunication pulses in photonics nanowires: A comparative physics study, Results in Physics 13, 102342 (2019).
- Pakarzadeh, R. Derakhshan, S. Hosseinabadi, Tunable wavelength conversion based on optofluidic infiltrated photonic crystal fibers, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 28, 1950002 (2019).
- N. Othman, K. G. Tay, N. S. M. Shah, R. Talib, H. Pakarzadeh, N.A. Cholan, Saturation behavior of a one-pump fiber optical parametric amplifier in the presence of the fourth-order dispersion coefficient and dispersion fluctuation, Chinese Optics Letters 17 (11), 110603(2019).
- N. Othman, K. G. Tay, H. Pakarzadeh, N.A. Cholan, N.S.M. Shah, R. Talib, Impact of Random Dispersion Fluctuations on Two-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier Performances, Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6 (5B), 13-16 (2019).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. Torkian, I.S. Amiri, Phase-sensitive inverse four-wave mixing in optical fibres, Journal of Modern Optics 67, 569-576 (2020).
- F. Mazarei, G. Honarasa, H. Pakarzadeh, I.S. Amiri, Random distributed feedback fiber lasers: Impact of third-order dispersion Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 28, 1950035 (2020).
- H. Pakarzadeh, Z. Norouzi and Javad Vahedi, TIME EVOLUTION OF ENTANGLEMENT IN A FOUR-QUBIT HEISENBERG CHAIN, Quantum Information and Computation, Vol. 20, No. 9&10, 0736- 0746 (2020).
- H. Pakarzadeh, V. Sharif and M. Bahadoran, Design and simulation of the circular photonic crystal fibers for guiding and controlling of orbital angular momentum of light, Journal of Research on Many-body Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1-14 (2020).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. J. Karimi, Z. Mohammadi, M. Taghizadeh, F. Bozorgzadeh, Light amplification via PbS quantum dots-doped tapered fiber coupler: Model and theory, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 36, 015009 (9pp) (2020).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. M. Rezaei, M. Taghizadeh, F. Bozorgzadeh, Dispersion properties of single-mode optical fibers in telecommunication region: poly (methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) versus silica, Journal of Optical Communications, in Press (2020).
- H. Barzyan, H. Pakarzadeh, Photonic Crystal-Based Optical Sensor for Two-Phase Liquid Compounds, Optik, 228, 166184 (2021).
- J. Hajivandi, H. Pakarzadeh and H. Kurt, Intensity tuning of the edge states in the imperfect topological waveguides based on the photonic crystals with the C3 point group symmetry, Optical and Quantum Electronics 53, 102(14 pages) (2021).
- H. Pakarzadeh, F. Hasanpouri, S. Hosseinabadi and V. Sharif, Thermally tuned parametric gain in photonic crystal fiber-based amplifiers, The European Physical Journal Plus 136 (3), 1-12 (2021).
- V. Sharif, H. Pakarzadeh, Terahertz Hollow-Core Optical Fibers for Efficient Transmission of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ۳۹, ۴۴۶۲-۴۴۶۸ (۲۰۲۱).
- R. Negahdari, E. Rafiee, F. Emami, H. Pakarzadeh, Design of tunable ring-shaped plasmonic photonic crystal filters infiltrated with optical fluids, Optical Engineering ۶۰ (۹), ۰۹۷۱۰۲ (۲۰۲۱).
- M. Askari, H. Pakarzadeh, F. Shokrgozar, High Q-factor terahertz metamaterial for superior refractive index sensing, JOSA B ۳۸ (۱۲), ۳۹۲۹-۳۹۳۶ (۲۰۲۱).
- H. Pakarzadeh, Z. Delirian, Propagation of Short Pulses in Dispersion-Engineered Silicon Nanowires: Impact of Chirp Parameter, Silicon, ۱۴ (۳), ۱۲۲۱-۱۲۲۵ (۲۰۲۲).
- H. Pakarzadeh, F. Akbari, Propagation of Terahertz Pulses in Photonic Crystal-Based Rib Silicon Waveguides, Silicon,۱۴ (۶), ۲۹۳۱-۲۹۴۰ (۲۰۲۲).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. Hosseinabadi, I.S. Amiri, Tunable Terahertz Wavelength Conversion Based on Optofluidic infiltrated Rib Silicon Waveguides, Silicon, ۱۴ (۱۱), ۶۰۹۷-۶۱۰۶ (۲۰۲۲).
- H. Pakarzadeh, N. Othman, K.G. Tay, N.A. Cholan, Two-pump parametric amplification in the presence of fiber dispersion fluctuations: a comparative study, Applied Optics ۶۱(۱), ۳۰۸-۳۱۵ (۲۰۲۲).
- Rashidnia, H. Pakarzadeh, M. Hatami, N. Ayyanar, Photonic crystal-based biosensor for detection of human red blood cells parasitized by plasmodium falciparum, Optical and Quantum Electronics ۵۴ (۱), ۱-۱۹ (۲۰۲۲).
- K. G. Tay, H. Pakarzadeh, A. Huong, N. Othman, N.A. Cholan, Gain Prediction of Dual-Pump Fiber Optic Parametric Amplifier Based on Artificial Neural Network, Optik ۲۵۳, ۱۶۸۵۷۹ (۲۰۲۲).
- F. Pakfetrat and H. Pakarzadeh, Plasmonics, Terahertz Plasmonic Quantum Cascade Lasers: a Comprehensive Physics Study, Plasmonics, ۱۷, ۹۱۳–۹۲۰ (۲۰۲۲).
- Z. Razavi, H. Pakarzadeh, Third-harmonic generation in optical nanoantennas: efficiency enhancement, Eur. Phys. J. Plus ۱۳۷, ۱۸۳ (۲۰۲۲).
- H. Pakarzadeh, V. Sharif, D. Vigneswaran, N. Ayyanar, Graphene-assisted tunable D-shaped photonic crystal fiber sensor in the visible and IR regions, JOSA B ۳۹ (۶), ۱۴۹۰-۱۴۹۶ (۲۰۲۲).
- M Askari, Z Farrokhi, H Pakarzadeh, Design Proposal for Highly Sensitive Infrared Metamaterial-Based Sensors, Optical and Quantum Electronics ۵۴ (۷۳۷), ۱-۱۴ (۲۰۲۲).
- R. Bhattacharya, M.S. Rajan, A. Sharafali, N. Ayyanar and H. Pakarzadeh, Experimental and theoretical study of polarization in commercially available photonic crystal fibers, Optical and Quantum Electronics 54 (11),733 (12 pages) (2022).
- V. Sharif and H. Pakarzadeh, High-performance surface plasmon resonance fiber sensor based on cylindrical vector modes, Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4563 (2023).
- A. Zakery, H. Pakarzadeh, and M. Hatami, “Modeling of Diode Pumped Passively Q-switched Microchip Lasers for Determination of Pulse Parameters,” Proceeding of 11th Conference of Iranian Optics and Photonics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran ( 2006).
- H. Pakarzadeh, “Microchip Lasers and SESAM,” Selected as the best paper in Atomic Physics Category in the 2nd Annual Iranian Festival of Student Physics Magazines (2007).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Nanocavities and Their Applications,” 3rd Iranian Student Conference on Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology Research Institute, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, (2008).
- H. Pakarzadeh, H. Shahmirzaee, and A. Zakery, “Scalar Modulation Instability in Highly Dispersive Photonic Crystal Fibers,” 3rd Iranian Student Conference of Payame Noor University (PNU) on Physics, Khouzestan Payame Noor University, Ahwaz, Iran, (2008(.
- H. Shahmirzaee, H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Comparison of the Results of the Presented Model with Experiments and other Models for the Inspection Nonlinear Optical Properties of Composite Oxide and Chalcogenide Glasses by Metal-Nanoparticles,” 15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, Isfahan University, Isfahn, Iran, (2009).
- H. Pakarzadeh, H. Shahmirzaee, and A. Zakery, “The Role of Phase Mismatching in Optimized Design of Parametric Photonic Crystal Fiber Amplifiers,” 1st Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering, Isfahan University, Isfahn, Iran, (2009).
- H. Pakarzadeh, K. Rottwitt, and A. Zakery, “Frequency Dependence of the Pump-to-Signal RIN Transfer in Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers,” Proceedings of IEEE LEOS 22nd Annual Meeting, Antalya, Turkey, Paper ThV3, (2009).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Dynamics of Scalar Modulation Instability in Presence of Raman Scattering in Photonic Crystal Fibers,” Proceedings of 16th Conference of Iranian Optics and Photonics Society, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran (2010).
- K. Nielsen, A. C. Brunetti, H. Pakarzadeh, and K. Rottwitt, “Stimulated Raman Scattering in Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibers,” Proc. of SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering (Brussels), vol. 7714 Photonic Crystal Fibers IV (2010).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Experimentally Confirmed Modeling of the Pump-to-Signal RIN transfer in 1-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers,” 14th International Conference “Laser Optics 2010” St. Petersburg, Russia, paper: TuW3-p06 (2010).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Fabrication of a Microstructured Polymer Optical Fiber and Measurement of Its Raman Spectrum,” Proceedings of Annual Conference of Iranian Physics Society, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran (2010).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Modeling of the Pump-to-Signal RIN Transfer in Two-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers,” Proceedings of PHOTONICS 2010: 10th International Conference on Fiber Optics & Photonics, IIT Guwahati, India paper: PSW-03 (2010).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, “Modeling of the Noise of Single-Pumped Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers in the Gain-Saturated Regime,” Proceedings of 17th Conference of Iranian Optics and Photonics Society, Mahan University, Mahan, Iran (2011).
- A. Amininasab, A. Keshavarz, and H. Pakarzadeh, "Optimization of the coupled ring cavities for the nonlinear frequency conversion," Proceedings of 5th National Conference on Physics, Payame Noor University of Tabriz, pp. 353-357 (2011).
- A. Sabzalizadeh, A. Zakery, H. Pakarzadeh, "Time Domain Reflectrometry for Detecting the Defect Position of Optical Fibers: Theory and Experiment," Proceedings of 18th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2012 and 4th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering, ICPE 2012 University of Tabriz, pp. 87-90 (2012).
- H. Pakarzadeh, A. Zakery, "One-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers: Experiments and Simulations," Proceeding of 4thIranian Conference on Photonics Engineering ICPE 2012, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran (2012).
- H. Pakarzadeh, "Optimization of Two-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers for Broadband Flat Gain and Low Pump-to-Signal Noise Transfer," Proceedings International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2012), Shanghai, China, pp. 1-4 (2012).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and A. Zakery, "Noise Properties of Two-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers in the Saturation Regime," Proceedings of 5th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering, ICPE 2013, University of Sistan and Balouchestan, Zahedan (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh, A. Keshavarz, and M. Bagheri, "Investigation of the saturation power of one-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers," Proceedings of 5th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering, ICPE 2013, University of Sistan and Balouchestan, Zahedan (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh, A. Keshavarz, and Z. Khadir, "Wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing in photonic crystal fibers for achieving suitable wavelength region for skin applications,"Proceedings of 19th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2013, University of Sistan and Balouchestan, Zahedan (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and G.R. Honarasa, "Impact of pump profile on the gain spectrum and the saturation of one-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers," Proceedings of Annual Physics Confrence of Iran, Birjand University, Birjand, pp. 1294-1297 (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Bagheri, and A. Keshavarz, "Investigation of The Small-Signal Gain Spectrum of One-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers in Presence of Dispersion Fluctuations," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Birjand University, Birjand, pp. 1290-1293 (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh and Z. Khadir, "Modeling of an optical switch with a variable efficiency based on a fiber optical parametric amplifier," 3rd Iranian Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering (ICOLE2013), Shahinshahr, pp. 626-629 (2013).
- M.S. Kazempourfard, A.Keshavarz, H. Pakarzadeh and M. Bagheri, "Simulation of propagation of Hermit-Cosh-Gaussian beams in quadric interfaces," 3rd Iranian Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering (ICOLE2013), Shahinshahr, pp. 461-465 (2013).
- H. Pakarzadeh, "Parametric amplification in zero-dispersion wavelength decreasing photonic crystal fibers," Proceedings of 20th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2014, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, pp. 181-184 (2014).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Bagheri, S. M. Rezaei, "Impact of Fourth-Order Dispersion Coefficient on Gain Spectrum and Saturation Behavior of One-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers," Proceedings of 20th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2014, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, pp.813-816 (2014).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Bagheri and A. Keshavarz, "Impact of Dispersion Fluctuations on The Gain Spectrum and The Saturation Behavior of One-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers," Proceedings of the 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2014), Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, May 20-22 (2014).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and S. M. Rezaei, "Investigation and comparison of dispersion properties of single-mode silica and polymer fibers," Proceedings of the 6th Iranian Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2014), Islamic Azad University of Gonabad, Gonabad, pp. 1552-1556 (2014).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and M. R. Fallah Tafti, "Investigation of Propagation of Femtosecond Pulses in Silicon Nanowires in the Telecommunication Region," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, University of Sistan and Balouchestan, Zahedan (2014).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and T. Ezatkhah, "Investigation of Supercontinuum Generation in Photonic Crystal Fibers for Optical Coherent Tomography in Dental Applications," Proceedings of 21st Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2015, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran (2015).
- M. Taghizadeh, M. Hatami, and H. Pakarzadeh, "Simulation of propagation of ultra-short pulses in one-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers," Proceedings of 21st Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2015, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran (2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and S. M. Rezaei, "Modelling of zero-dispersion wavelength decreasing tapered photonic crystal fibers," Proceedings of 21st Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2015, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran (2015).
- S. Usefzadeh, M. J. Karimi, and H. Pakarzadeh, "An investigation of the electromagnetically induced transparency phenomenon in quantum wells," Proceedings of 21st Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2015, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran (2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh and S. M. Rezaei, "Simulation of the nonlinear parameter and the confinement loss of tapered photonic crystal fibers," Proceedings of The Third National Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics, Iranian Research Organization of Science and Technology (IROST) Tehran, pp. 1-4 (2014).
- H. Pakarzadeh, Z. Dehghanian and M. J. Karimi, "Simulation of pump-to-signal power transfer function in one-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, pp. 530-533(2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh, J. Dousti and A. Keshavarz, "Impact of variations of graded-index optical fiber parameters on the propagation of Gaussian beams," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, pp. 534-537 (2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh and Z. Dehghanian "Simulation of pump-to-signal power transfer function in fiber optical parametric oscillators," 4th Iranian Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering (ICOLE2015), Shahinshahr, pp.416-419 (2015).
- H. Pakarzadeh and J. Dousti, "Impact of fluctuations of graded-index optical fiber parameters on propagation of Gaussian beams," Proceedings of First International Laser Technology and Optics Symposium (LATOS 2015), University Technology of Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia (2015).
- S. Shekarriz, A. Keshavarz and H. Pakarzadeh, " Propagation of slow-bright temporal optical solitons in double asymmetric quantum well," 4thNational Conference on Nanotechnology: from Theory to Application, The Jami Institute of Technology (JIT), Isfahan (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh and R. Golabi, "Simulation of Two-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers for communications applications," The 2nd Iranian Conference on Communications Engineering (ICCE 2016) 28-29 February, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh, R. Derakhshan and R. Golabi, "Simulation of modal characteristics of Photonic Crystal Fibers in Telecommunication Region: Impacts of Structural Parameters," The 2nd Iranian Conference on Communications Engineering (ICCE 2016) 28-29 February, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz (2016).
- M. Taghizadeh, H. Pakarzadeh, S.M. Rezaei and M. Hatami, "Designing a Photonic Crystal Fiber with a Zero-Dispersion Wavelength in Telecommunication Region," The Fourth National Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics, Imam Khomeini Naval University of Noshahr, Noshahr, pp. 1-4 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh and Z. Dehghanian, "Simulation of conversion efficiency in fiber optical parametric oscillators," Proceedings of the 24rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2016), Shiraz University, Shiraz, May 10-12 (2016).
- M. Taghizadeh, M. Hatami, and H. Pakarzadeh, "Simulation of Four-Wave Mixing of Telecommunication Pulses in Photonic Crystal Fibers," Proceedings of the 24rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2016), Shiraz University, Shiraz, May 10-12 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh and Z. Delirian, "Evolution of Ultra-Short Chirped Pulses in Silicon Nanowires," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Shiraz University, Shiraz, pp. 429-432 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh and R. Golabi, "Two-Pump Optical Parametric Amplification Based on a Tellurite Microstructured Fiber," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Shiraz University, Shiraz, pp. 437-440 (2016).
- M. J. Karimi, H. Pakarzadeh and Z. Mohammadi, "Investigation of the saturation behavior and the gain spectrum of PbS quantum-dot-doped fiber optical amplifiers," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Shiraz University, Shiraz, pp. 688-691 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh, R. Derakhshan and H. Saghaei, "Wavelength conversion in optofluidic infiltrated photonic crystal fibers," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Shiraz University, Shiraz, pp. 425-428 (2016).
- H. Pakarzadeh and O. Soltani Shirazi, "Investigation and Simulation of Metallic Nanowire Lasers in Presence of Nonlinear Effects," Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Shiraz University, Shiraz, pp. 433-436 (2016).
- S. Shekarriz, A. Keshavarz and H. Pakarzadeh, "Investigation of effective parameters on bright temporal solitons in an asymmetric double quantum –well nanostructures," Proceedings of 7th National Conference on Physics, Payame Noor University of Tabriz, pp. 671-674 (2016).
- F. Mazarei, G. Honarasa and H. Pakarzadeh, "Simulation of Power Evolution in a Random Distributed Feedback Fiber Laser," 4th Conference on Lasers and their Applications, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran (2016).
- Z. Delirian, H. Pakarzadeh and A. Keshavarz, "Comparison of Pulse Propagation in Silicon Nanowires with Constant and Variable Dispersion," National Conference on New Research in Electrical Engineering, Mazandaran, pp. 1-4 (2016).
- N. Othman, N.S.M. Shah, K.G. Tay, H. Pakarzadeh, N.A. Cholan and R. Talib, “The influence of dispersion slope to the higher-order dispersion coefficients for highly-nonlinear fibers” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1883, No. 1, pp. 020008 (2017).
- M. Abdolahi, Z.Pourgholamhossein, M. M. Sabahi, H.Pakarzadeh, A new six-way broadband spatial power combiner/divider based on conical cavity, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Spring (PIERS 2017), St. Petersburg, Russia (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, O.Nasiri, Simulation of supercontinuum generation in tapered photonic crystal fibers , 5th Iranian Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering (ICOLE2017), Shahinshahr, Iran (2017).
- Z. Mohammadi, H. Pakarzadeh, M.J.Karimi, Simulation Of Amplifier Based On PbS Quantum-Dots Doped Optical Fiber Coupler, 5th Iranian Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering (ICOLE2017), Shahinshahr, Iran (2017).
- H. Barzyan, H.Pakarzadeh, Impact of number and thickness of layers on sensitivity of heavy oil sensor based on one-dimensional photonic crystal, The Fifth National Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics, Tehran, Iran (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S.E. Forghani, A. Gharaati, Simulation and Comparison of Telecommunication Pulse Propagation in Silicon and Chalcogenide Photonic Nanowires, The Fifth National Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics, Tehran, Iran (2017).
- F. Mazarei, G. Honarasa, H. Pakarzadeh Simulation of power evolution of the second order Stokes in a random distributed feedback fiber laser, The Fifth National Iranian Conference on Engineering Electromagnetics, Tehran, Iran (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, R. Derakhshan, Wavelength conversion in normal dispersion regime based on optofluidic infiltrated photonic crystal fibers, Proceedings of 23th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2017), Tehran, Iran (2017).
- Z. Delirain H.Pakarzadeh, A. Keshavarz, Impact of Chirp Parameter on the Pulse Evolution in Dispersion- Engineered Silicon Nanowires, Proceedings of 23th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2017), Tehran, Iran (2017).
- F.Mazarei, G.Honarasa, H.Pakarzadeh, Simulation of Output Spectrum in a Random Distributed Feedback Fiber Laser Based on Raman Gain Spectrum, Proceedings of 23th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2017), Tehran, Iran (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, O.Nasiri, Simulation of z-dependent dispersion coefficients in tapered photonic crystal fibers, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Spring (PIERS 2017), St. Petersburg, Russia (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. E. Forghani, A. Gharaati, Simulation and Comparison of Telecommunication Pulse Propagation in Silicon and Tellurite Photonic Nanowires, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran (2017), Yazd, Iran (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, Z. Norouzi, J. Vahedi Aghmashhadi, Impact of anisotropy parameter on the ground state of a four-qubit Heizenberg system, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran (2017), Yazd, Iran (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. Sedighi, Impact of relative phase difference of interacting waves on efficiency of THz generation in silicon waveguides, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran (2017), Yazd, Iran (2017).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. Sedighi, G. Honarasa, Generation of tunable THz radiation based on four-wave mixing in silicon waveguides, Proceedings of 24th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2018), Shahrekord, Iran (2018).
- G. Honarasa, G. Lashkari, H. Pakarzadeh,Nonlinear photon-added displaced Kerr states and their statistical properties, Proceedings of 24th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2018), Shahrekord, Iran (2018).
- Z. Razavi Barzoki, H. Pakarzadeh, N. Nozhat, Simulation of optical dipole nanoantennas: impact of geometrical parameters, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran (2018), Qazvin, Iran, 1896-1899 (2018).
- V. Sharif, H. Pakarzadeh, M. Bahadoran, Role of filling factor in photonic crystal fibers for controlling orbital angular momentum of light, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran (2018), Qazvin, Iran, 875-878 (2018).
- Sh. Hosseinabadi, H. Pakarzadeh and S. M. Hosseini, Designing a silicon waveguide for tunable wavelength conversion based on modulation instability, Proceedings of 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2019), Shiraz, Iran, 53-56 (2019).
H. Pakarzadeh, S. Torkian and M. J. Karimi, Simulation of inverse four-wave mixing in optical fibers and impact of different parameters on the output signal gain spectrum, Proceedings of 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2019), Shiraz, Iran, 453-456 (2019).
- V. Sharif and Hassan Pakarzadeh , Role of Optical Fluid in Control of Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in Circular Photonic Crystal Fibers, Proceedings of 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2019), Shiraz, Iran, 485-488 (2019).
- Z. Tohidinia, M. Bahadoran, Sh. Hosseinabadi and Hassan Pakarzadeh, Chaotic Dynamics in a Nonlinear Ring Resonator with Different Propagation Constants, Proceedings of 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2019), Shiraz, Iran, 193-196 (2019).
- F. Taghdir, M. J. Karimi and H. Pakarzadeh, Study of the optical bistability in three-level quantum well systems, Proceedings of 25th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2019), Shiraz, Iran, 669-972 (2019).
- H. Pakarzadeh, F. Akbari and Z. Fatemipanah, Simulation of Gaussian pulse propagation in rib silicon waveguides, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran (2019), Tabriz, Iran, 1217-1220 (2019).
- H. Pakarzadeh, Z. Fatemipanah and F. Emami, Designing Photonic Crystal Fibers for Application in Optical Coherence Tomography for Ophthalmology, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran (2019), Tabriz, Iran, 634-637 (2019).
- H. Pakarzadeh, S. Hosseinabadi and I.S. Amiri, Designing a silicon waveguide for tunable wavelength conversion in terahertz region, Seventh International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2019), Thailand, Phuket, Vol. 11205, page 120504 (2019).
- H. Pakarzadeh and F. Hasanpouri, Temperature-Controlled Parametric Gain in Photonic Crystal Fibers, Proceedings of 26th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2019), Tehran, Iran, 245-248 (2020).
- R. Pourmand, F. Pakfetrat and H. Pakarzadeh, Impact of Temperature Gradient in Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors on Strain Measurement in Building Structures, Proceedings of 10th National Conference on Physics Payame Noor University, Isfahan, pp. 61-64 (2020).
- A. Khodami, Gh. Honarasa and H. Pakarzadeh, Simulation of output power in a solar side-pumped Nd:YAG laser, Proceedings of 10th National Conference on Physics Payame Noor University, Isfahan, pp105-108(2020).
- M. Askari, F. Shokrgozar and H. Pakarzadeh, Design and simulation of a THz metamaterial biosensor for the water and glucose solution, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran, pp. 123-126 (2020).
- A. Rashidnia, H. Pakarzadeh and M. Hatami, Detection of malaria in the blood using a biosensor based on two-dimensional photonic crystal, Proceedings of Iranian Nano-Photonic Conference 2020, Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, pp. 82-84 (2020).
- F. Pakfetrat, H. Pakarzadeh and V. Sharif, The impact of geometric structure on terahertz plasmonic lasers with distributed feedback, Proceedings of Iranian Nano-Photonic Conference 2020, Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, pp. 1-3 (2020).
- F. Esmaeili, M. Hatami, and H. Pakarzadeh, Wavelength conversion in Ar-filled hollow core bandgap photonic crystal fiber, Proceedings of Iranian Nano-Photonic Conference 2020, Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, pp. 85-87 (2020).
- F. Pakfetrat, H. Pakarzadeh and M. Hatami, Simulation of Dynamics and Output Characteristics of Quantum Cascade Lasers and in Terahertz Region, 27th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2020), Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, 84-87 (2021).
- Z. Sadat Fatemipanah and H. Pakarzadeh, Designing a Photonic Crystal Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation in High-Resolution Dental Optical Coherence Tomography, 27th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2020), Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, 383-386 (2021).
- M. Mehranfar, A. Keshavarz and H. Pakarzadeh, Investigation of the Vernier-Effect in an Optical Fiber Gyroscope with Mach-Zender Interferometer, 27th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP2020), Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, 137-140 (2021).
- Z. Farroki, M. Askari, and H. Pakarzadeh, Introducing a Sensor Made of Metamaterial and the Effect of Geometric Parameters on its Resonant Frequency, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, pp. 173-176 (2021).
- H. Pakarzadeh, and F. Hasanpouri, Designing a Photonic Crystal Fiber in Telecommunication Region and Simulating Temperature Dependency of Dispersion Characteristics, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, pp. 354-357 (2021).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Bahrami, and Sh. Hosseinabadi, Designing a Photonic Crystal-Based Rib Silicon Waveguide with Zero-Dispersion Wavelength in Terahertz Region, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, pp. 712-715 (2021).
- M. Bahrami, H. Pakarzadeh, and M. Hatami, Terahertz supercontinuum generation in terahertz region using a silicon-based rib waveguide, 28th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP), Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran, 253-256 (2022).
- Z. Farrokhi, H. Pakarzadeh, and M. Askari, Sensitivity enhancement in refractive index based metamaterial sensors in infrared region, 28th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP), Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran, 408-411(2022).
- H. Pakarzadeh, M. Azargoon, T. Amini, and F. Jahangiri, Investigation of phase-matching condition of four-wave mixing (FWM) in rib silicon waveguides in terahertz region, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, 282-285 (2022).
- H. Deylami Shabankare, H. Pakarzadeh and Z. Farrokhi, Simulation of metamaterial sensor in infrared region with circular geometry: the role of structural parameters, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, 290-293 (2022).
- Z. Rahmanfar, H. Pakarzadeh and V. Sharif, Sensitivity enhancement in D-shaped surface plasmon resonance sensors: role of plasmonic layer thickness, Proceedings of Annual Physics Conference of Iran, Sistan-Balouchestan University, Zahedan, Iran, 352-355 (2022).