Mohsen Hatami
Academic Appointments
Head of Atomic and Molecular Physics (2007-2011)
Head of photonic research group(2010-2011)
Professional Education
B.SC Physics at Shiraz University.
M.SC Physics at Shiraz University.
Thesis Title: Large signal analysis of high power klystrons with design applications
PhD (Molecular and Atomic Physics) Laser and Optic at Shiraz University
Thesis topic: Simulation of ultra fast all optical nonlinear directional coupler switch in chalcogenide glasses.
Nonlinear Optic (for PhD Student)
Optical properties of matter (for PhD Student)
Optics Communication (For M.SC)
Quantum Electronic(For M.SC)
Quantum Optic(For M.SC)
Classical Electrodynamics (For M.SC)
Computational physics (For M.SC)
Quantum electronic (For M.SC)
Advance Laser (For M.SC)
Fundamental of Physics(mechanics, electromagnetic, optics, thermodynamics)
Modern Physics
Quantum Mechanics
Mathematical Physics
Current Research
Optical Solitons
All Optical switching
Nonlinear Plasmonic Waveguide
Nonlinear Graphene Waveguide
Optical Nanowire
All Publications
1 | Nonlinear optical properties of pulsed-laser deposited GeAsSe films and simulation of a nonlinear directional coupler
2 | Design of an ultra-fast all-optical dark soliton switch in a nonlinear directional coupler (NLDC) made of chalcogenide glasses
3 | Analysis of gained nonlinear directional coupler pulse switch
4 | Quantum phase properties associated to solvable quantum systems using the nonlinear coherent states approach.
5 | Number-phase entropic uncertainty relations and Wigner functions for solvable quantum systems with discrete spectra
6 | Self tunable chalcogenide Raman laser
7 | A Huristic method to Simulate the pulse propagation in nonlinear Bragg Grattings
8 | Study of the gain saturation effect on the propagation of dark soliton in Er+3-doped, Ga5Ge20Sb10S65 chalcogenide fiber amplifier
9 | Generalized coherent states for solvable quantum systems with degenerate discrete spectra and their nonclassical properties
10 | Quantum Squeezing Of Dark Solitons In Optical Fibers |
11 | Incoherent Interaction Between Bright–Bright Photovoltaic Soliton In An Unbiased Series Two-Photon Photorefractive Crystal Circuit
12 | Quantum Phase Distribution And Number-Phase Wigner Function Of Generalized Vacuum Squeezed States Associated With Solvable Quantum Systems
13 | Absorption properties of organic tandem solar cells for different wavelengths by computational simulation
14 | A New Approach for Numerical Simulation of Pulse Propagation in Non-Uniform Fiber Bragg Grating
15 | Designof An Ultra-Fast All-Optical Dark Soliton Switch In A Three-Core Nonlinear Directional Coupler (Tnldc) Made Of Chalcogenide Glasses
16 | Propagation Of Incoherently Coupled Soliton Pairs In Photorefractive Crystals And Their Self-Deflection
17 | Coupled-Mode Analysis For Linear Fiber Bragg Grating Made Of Metamaterial |
18 | Dynamics of entanglement of a three-level atom in motion interacting with two coupled modes including parametric down conversion
19 | All optical self signal processing using chalcogenide nonlinear fiber Bragg grating
20 | Unique Solution of Short Pulse Propagation in Nonlinear Fiber Bragg Grating
21 | All Optical Ternary Signal Processing using Uniform Nonlinear Chalcogenide Fiber Bragg Gratings
22 | The effect of porosity on the current electron density at dye solar cell
23 | Optical Transmission and Bistability of Light in Nano Fabry-Perot Resonator with Nanocavity Containing Negative Index Material
24 | Incoherent Interaction Between Bright-Bright Photovoltaic Soliton In an Unbised Series Two-Photorefractive Crystal circuit: Self-Deflection Investigation
25 | Designing a photonic crystal fiber for an ultra-broadband parametric amplification in telecommunication region
26 | THE effect of pump profile on absorption efficiency of a diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG laser
27 | Coupled equations of electromagnetic waves in nonlinear metamaterial waveguides
28 | Equation of Pulse Propagation in Three-Layer Structure of As2S3 Chalcogenide Plasmonic Nano-Waveguides