The solid Mechanics Engineering group of MAE is a very active research community and state-of-the-art in all recent technologies. It consists of two distinguished alliances, namely Applied Mechanics and Control-Robotics. Currently, there are 5 faculty members in the group with different academic levels from assistant professor to associate professor. The faculty members of solid mechanics group strive to bridge the gap between mathematical and practical aspects of Mechanical Engineering. Besides, the majority of the research projects are conducted in the direction of industrial requirements. The group is equipped with specialized laboratories devoted to composite/nano-composites, Mechatronics and measurement systems, robotics, and strength of materials in order to enhance academic and experimental capabilities for students. The present research areas of the faculties are:
Composite and Nano-Composite materials, Computational Mechanics and Nano-Mechanics, Energy Absorbers, Structural Stability, Fracture Mechanics, Vibrations and Acoustics, Mechatronics and Intelligent Machines, Energetic and Dynamic Systems, System Identification, Control Systems, Advanced Robotics, Machine Vision, Advanced Measurement Systems and Instrumentation, Biomechanics.