Hassan Assaee
Associate Professor
E-Mail: assaee@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE-313
Phone: +98-71-3726-4102
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Structural Stability
Finite Strip Method
Composite Matrials
GRP Pipes and Tanks
Nonlinear Mechanics
Discrete Element Method
Pourous Materials
Associate Professor
E-Mail: assaee@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE-313
Phone: +98-71-3726-4102
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Structural Stability
Finite Strip Method
Composite Matrials
GRP Pipes and Tanks
Nonlinear Mechanics
Discrete Element Method
Pourous Materials

Omid Bavi
Associate Professor
E-Mail: o.bavi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE 314
Phone: +98 71 3735 4500 - 2569
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Cell/Protein Mechanics/ Mechanosensitive Ion Channels/ Computational Nanomechanics/ Finite Element Modeling/ Molecular Dynamics Simulation/ Composite Materials and Sandwich Structures
Associate Professor
E-Mail: o.bavi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE 314
Phone: +98 71 3735 4500 - 2569
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Cell/Protein Mechanics/ Mechanosensitive Ion Channels/ Computational Nanomechanics/ Finite Element Modeling/ Molecular Dynamics Simulation/ Composite Materials and Sandwich Structures

Abbas Karami
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: karami@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE-315
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Human–robot interaction
Surgical robotics
Nonlinear control
Modeling of Bio-mechanical Systems
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: karami@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE-315
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Human–robot interaction
Surgical robotics
Nonlinear control
Modeling of Bio-mechanical Systems

Masoud Kharati-Koopaee
Associate Professor
E-Mail: kharati@sutech.ac.ir
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Compressible Flows
Associate Professor
E-Mail: kharati@sutech.ac.ir
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Compressible Flows

Amir Lotfavar
Associate Professor
E-Mail: lotfavar@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE 319
Phone: +98-713-7264102 Ex: 2815
Areas of Interest:
Robotics & Control
Mechanical Vibrations & Design
Associate Professor
E-Mail: lotfavar@sutech.ac.ir
Room: MCE 319
Phone: +98-713-7264102 Ex: 2815
Areas of Interest:
Robotics & Control
Mechanical Vibrations & Design

Reza Mehryar
Associate Professor
E-Mail: mehryar@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 2860
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Heat transfer
thermal solar energy
heat exchanger
fire dynamics
smoke propagation
Infrared thermography
Associate Professor
E-Mail: mehryar@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 2860
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Heat transfer
thermal solar energy
heat exchanger
fire dynamics
smoke propagation
Infrared thermography

Amir H. Nikseresht
E-Mail: nikser@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Free surface flows
Wave Energy
E-Mail: nikser@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Free surface flows
Wave Energy

Amir Omidvar
Associate Professor
E-Mail: omidvar@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71)3726-4102
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Renewable Energy
Energy and Buildings
Thermal Comfort
Bio-Heat Transfer
Associate Professor
E-Mail: omidvar@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71)3726-4102
Area of Specialty: thermo-fluids engineering
Areas of Interest:
Renewable Energy
Energy and Buildings
Thermal Comfort
Bio-Heat Transfer

J. Rouzegaar
Associate Professor
E-Mail: rouzegar@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Plate and Shell structures
Fracture Mechanics
Energy Absorber structures
Spectral Element Method
Fractional Calculus
Associate Professor
E-Mail: rouzegar@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Plate and Shell structures
Fracture Mechanics
Energy Absorber structures
Spectral Element Method
Fractional Calculus

AliReza Setoodeh
E-Mail: setoodeh@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: +98-71-37264102
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Mechanical Behavior Analysis and Fabrication of Composite/Nanocomposites
Computational Mechanics and modeling by Finite Element and Differential Quadrature Methods
Computational Nano-Mechanics; Biomechanics
Mechanical Elements Design
Fracture Mechanics
E-Mail: setoodeh@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: +98-71-37264102
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Mechanical Behavior Analysis and Fabrication of Composite/Nanocomposites
Computational Mechanics and modeling by Finite Element and Differential Quadrature Methods
Computational Nano-Mechanics; Biomechanics
Mechanical Elements Design
Fracture Mechanics

Shabnam Tashakori
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: tashakori@sutech.ac.ir
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Prediction-based Control
Time-delay Systems
Structural Vibrations
Fractional-order Systems
Inverse Dynamics
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: tashakori@sutech.ac.ir
Area of Specialty: solid mechanics engineering
Areas of Interest:
Prediction-based Control
Time-delay Systems
Structural Vibrations
Fractional-order Systems
Inverse Dynamics

ِDr. Alireza Tavakolpour-Saleh (Department of Dynamic and Mechatronic Systems)
Associate Professor
E-Mail: tavakolpour@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Areas of Interest:
Advanced Mechatronic Systems; Nonlinear Dynamics and Oscillators; Dynamical Systems; Thermo-Acoustics; Artificial Intelligence; Control and Instrumentation; Stability;
Associate Professor
E-Mail: tavakolpour@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 3726-4102
Areas of Interest:
Advanced Mechatronic Systems; Nonlinear Dynamics and Oscillators; Dynamical Systems; Thermo-Acoustics; Artificial Intelligence; Control and Instrumentation; Stability;