Software engineering research group is the second research group established in Computer Engineering and IT department. In this group, the research areas are related to distributed systems, parallel computing, and software development. Due to the three other research gropus in our department, there are different joint researches that have been carried out. In each academic year, about 12 master students and about 3 Ph.D. students are admitted to the field of research focused on software engineering.
Faculty members in this group include
- Dr Omid Bushehrian
- Dr S. Raouf Khayami
- Reza Akbari
- Rasool Esmaeeli
A list of research areas in this group is as follows:
- Big data
- Distributed and parallel systems, cloud computing
- Service oriented architecture
- High performance computing
- Text mining and NLP
- Data mining
- Search based software engineering
- Application of machine learning in software engineering
- Software testing
- Software requirement engineering
- Software analysis and design
- Database design
- Semantic web
Students working in this group also use the following labs:
- Distributed systems lab
- Software engineering lab
- Central lab for using Hadoop cluster
- Parallel processing lab