Omid Bushehrian
Academic Appointments
I had been the Dean of the Department of Computer Eng. and IT from Oct. 2017 to Oct. 2019.
Honors & Awards
- Research Excellence Awards of year 2010: Shiraz University of Technology
- Research Excellence Awards of year 2011: Shiraz University of Technology
- Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2011: Shiraz University of Technology
- Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2013: Shiraz University of Technology
- Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2024: Shiraz University of Technology
Professional Education
- PhD: Iran University of Science and Technology
- MSc: Iran University of Science and Technology
- BSc: Amirkabir University of Tech.(Tehran Poly Technique )
- Software Engineering
- Fundamental of Language Designs
- Database Design
- Operating System Design
- Formal Languages and Automata
- Algorithm Design
- Distributed Systems
- Advanced Topics in Software Engineering and Design Patterns
- Cloud Computing
Current Research
We are currently focused on the following areas:
- Optimal placement of IoT Application Tasks in Edge Computing using ML.
- Anomaly detection in IoT big data by distributed learning. (Case-Study: urban water distribution grids).
- Application of Machine Learning models in code summarization.
- IoT attack detection by Federated Learning techniques.
All Publications
Selected Journal Papers:
- Bushehrian, O., Ghane, Z. Code quality control by bug report classification. Software Qual J (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-023-09623-7
- S. Mirzaee, O. Bushehrian, , A New Outlier Detection Method for Anomaly Detection in IoT-Enabled Distribution Networks , Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks ,Vol 55, Issue 1-2,2023
- S. Mirzaee, O. Bushehrian, Efficient Root-Cause Localization in IoT-Enabled Water Distribution Networks by Hierarchical Anomaly Analysis, Wireless Networks , (Under review)
- V Etemadi, O Bushehrian, G Robles, Task Assignment to Counter the Effect of Developer Turnover in Software Maintenance: A Knowledge Diffusion Model , Information and Software Technology, Vol. 143, 2022
- O Bushehrian, SY Nabavi ,An adaptive and cost‐efficient migration to cloud approach in dynamic environments - Concurrency and Computation: Practice and exp..,vol. 33,no. 17, 2021
- N Rikhtegar, O Bushehrian, M Keshtgari , DeepRLB: A deep reinforcement learning‐based load balancing in data center networks - International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 34, Issue 15, Wiley, 2021
- Rikhtegar, N., Keshtgari, M., Bushehrian, O. et al. BiTE: a dynamic bi-level traffic engineering model for load balancing and energy efficiency in data center networks. Appl Intell (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-020-02003-9
- V Etemadi, O Bushehrian, R Akbari, G Robles, A scheduling-driven approach to efficiently assign bug fixing tasks to developers - Journal of Systems and Software,vol.178, 2021
- Nabavi, SY, Bushehrian, O. An adaptive plan‐oriented and continuous software migration to cloud in dynamic enterprises. Softw: Pract Exper. 2019; 49: 1365– 1378. https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.2725
- Omid Bushehrian, Mohsen Sayari, Pirooz Shamsinejad: Software Deterioration Control Based on Issue Reports. e Informatica Softw. Eng. J. 15(1) (2021).
- Bushehrian, Omid: 'Dependable composition of transactional web services using fault-tolerance patterns and service scheduling', IET Software, 2017, 11, (6), p. 338-346, DOI: 10.1049/iet-sen.2016.0180 ,IET Digital Library, https://digital-ibrary.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-sen.2016.0180
- O. Bushehrain, S. Zare, “Cost-aware Execution of Transactional Web Services using Labled-transition systems”, IET Software, 8(5), 2014
- O. Bushehrian, R.G. Baghnavi, “Deployment optimization of software objects by design level delay estimation”, Journal of SuperComputing, DOI 10.1007/s11227-013-0880-4, 2013
- O. Bushehrian, Model-Based Service Selection for Reliable Service Access in MANET, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 27(4) , 2014
- O. Bushehrian, “Software Performance Engineering by Simulated-Based Object Deployment”, Int'l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 23(2), 2013
- O. Bushehrian, “Automatic object deployment for software performance enhancement”, IET software, Vol. 5, Iss. 4, pp. 375-384, 2011
- O. Bushehrian, “Actor-based Program Partitioning”, Frontiers of Information Tech. & Electronic Eng. , Vol. 11, No. 1, 2010
- S. Parsa, O. Bushehrian,“Performance Driven Object-Oriented Program Re-Modularization”, IET Software Journal, Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 362-378 ,2008
- S. Parsa, O. Bushehrian, “Genetic Clustering with Constraints”, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology Volume 37, No.1, 2007
- S. Parsa, O. Bushehrian, “The Design and Implementation of a Tool for Automatic Software Modularization “, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume 32, Issue 1, April 2005
- S. Parsa, O. Bushehrian, “A New Encoding Scheme and Framework to Investigate Genetic Clustering Algorithms”, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Volume 32, No.1, 2005
- mahzoon, Z., Bushehrian, O. (2019). Change Impact Analysis by Concept Propagation. Journal of Computing and Security, 5(1), 51-56. doi: 10.22108/jcs.2019.111708.1007
- K. Moradyan, O. Bushehrian, “WebService MatchMaking based on Functional Similarity in Service Cloud”,Journal of Computing and Security, 2(4),2015
- Z. Reisi, O. Bushehrian, F. Rezaeian Zadeh, “A Workload-adaptable Method for Migrated Siftware to the Cloud”,Journal of Computing and Security, 2(4),2015
- O. Bushehrian, Z. Reisi, “iScale: An Intelligent Auto-Scaling Engine for Migrated Applications to the Cloud”, ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, 4(5) , 2014
- O. Bushehrian , M. Shahkolahi, “An Extendible Emulator for Investigating Configuration Algorithms in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”. International Journal of Computer Applications 59(16):19-23, December 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA
- O. Bushehrian, S. Zare, ”Designing a fault-tolerant workflow for web service composition in service-oriented architecture”, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications(JSEA), Vol.5, No. 2, February 2012
- O. Bushehrian, R.G. Ghanbari, “A Regression-based method for software performance engineering”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2011
- O. Bushehrian, R. khaldar, “An Extendable software architecture for personalized e-learning systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 33, No. 10, 2011
- O. Bushehrian, H. Ghaedi, ”Automated Transformation of Distributed Software Architectural Models to Finite State Process”, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No .9, 2010.
- O. Bushehrian, “Applying Heuristic Search for Distributed Software Performance Enhancement”, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, No. 2, Oct 2009 .