Raouf Khayami
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor of Information Technology Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology (2010-now)
Head of Department of Information Technology Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology (2014 - now)
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology, Shiraz University (2003 – now)
Professional Education
- BSc, Shiraz University, Computer Engineering (1988-1993)
- MSc, Shiraz University, Computer Engineering (1993-1996)
- PhD, Shiraz University, Computer Engineering (2003-2009)
Graduate Course
- Enterprise Architecture
- IT Management
- Business Intelligence
- Data Mining
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Strategic Management of Information Technology
- Programming Fundamentals
- Data Structure
- Software Engineering
- Operating System
Current Research
- Enterprise Architecture
- IT Management
- Business Intelligence
- Data Mining
- Business Process Management Systems
- Enterprise Resource Planning systems
- Health Information Technology
All Publications
Boveiri HR., Khayami R., Javidan R., MehdiZadeh AR., “Medical Image Registration Using Deep Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Review”, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Volume 87, October 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2020.106767 |
Parsaei MR., Boveiri HR., Javidan R., Khayami R., “Telesurgery QoS improvement over SDN based on a Type‐2 fuzzy system and enhanced cuckoo optimization algorithm”, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2020 |
Hassanpour A., Moradikia M., Adeli H, Khayami R., Shamsinejadbabaki P., “A novel end-to-end deep learning scheme for classifying multi-class motor imagery electroencephalography signals”, Expert Systems, December 2019, https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.12494, Volume36, Issue6 |
HaddadPajouh, H., Khayami, R., Dehghantanha, A. et al. AI4SAFE-IoT: an AI-powered secure architecture for edge layer of Internet of things. Neural Comput & Applic 32, 16119–16133 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-020-04772-3, Published: 25 February 2020 (ISI IF: 4.664) |
Sajjadnia Z., , Khayami, R., Moosavi M.R., “Preprocessing Breast Cancer Data to Improve the Data Quality, Diagnosis Procedure, and Medical Care Services”, Cancer Informatics, 2020 |
Boveiri H. R., Khayami R., Elhoseny M., Gunasekaran M., “An Efficient Swarm-Intelligence Approach for Resource Management in Cloud-based Internet of Things,” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer) (ISI-WoS, 2017-IF = 1.423), Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 3469–3479, 2019 (Online: 2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-1071-1 |
Boveiri H. R., Javidan R., & Khayami R., “An Intelligent Hybrid Approach for Task Scheduling in Cluster Computing Environments as an Infrastructure for BioMedical Applications,” Expert Systems (Wiley) (ISI-WoS, 2018-IF = 1.505), Online First, 12 February 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.12536 |
Homayoun S., Dehghantanha A., Ahmadzadeh M., Hashemi S., Khayami R., Choo K.R. & Newton D.E., “DRTHIS: Deep ransomware threat hunting and intelligence system at the fog layer”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 90. Pages 94-104, North-Holland, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.future.2018.07.045 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167739X17328467 |
Homayoun S., Ahmadzadeh M., Hashemi S., Dehghantanha A. & Khayami R., “BoTShark: A deep learning approach for botnet traffic detection”, In: Dehghantanha A., Conti M., Dargahi T. (eds) Cyber Threat Intelligence. Advances in Information Security, vol 70. Springer, ChamCyber Threat Intelligence, 137-153 (BookChapter), doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73951-9_7 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-73951-9_7 |
HaddadPajouh, H., Dehghantanha, A., Khayami, R. & Choo, K.R, “A deep Recurrent Neural Network based approach for Internet of Things malware threat hunting”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 85. Pages 88-96, North-Holland, 2018, doi:10.1016/j.future.2018.03.007 (ISI IF:5.768) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167739X1732486X |
HaddadPajouh, H., Dehghantanha, A., Khayami, R. & Choo, K.R, “Intelligent OS X malware threat detection”, Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Vol. 14, Pages 213-233, Springer Paris, 2018, doi: 10.1007/s11416-017-0307-5 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11416-017-0307-5 |
Homayoun S., Dehghantanha, A., Ahmadzadeh M., Hashemi S. & Khayami, R., “Know abnormal, find evil: frequent pattern mining for ransomware threat hunting and intelligence”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, 2017, doi: 10.1109/TETC.2017.2756908 (ISI, Q2) DOI:10.1109/TETC.2017.2756908 |
Tabatabaei S. M., Asadi F., Moghaddasi H., Khayami S. R., Niroomand M., “A Study of Population based Diabetes Registry in Developed Countries”, JOJ Nursing & Health Care (JOJNHC), 2018; 8(2), DOI: 10.19080/JOJNHC.2018.08.555732 |
HaddadPajouh, H., Javidan, R., Khayami, R., Dehghantanha, A. & Choo, K.R, “A Two-layer Dimension Reduction and Two-tier Classification Model for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection in IoT Backbone Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, accepted, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, 2016, doi: 10.1109/TETC.2016.2633228 (ISI IF: 4.989, Q2) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7762123&isnumber=6558478 |
Mohammad Reza Parsaei, Mohammad Javad Sobouti, Seyed Raouf Khayami, Reza Javidan, “Network traffic classification using machine learning techniques over software defined networks”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 8(7) January 2017, DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2017.080729 |
Boveiri, H. & Khayami R., "Static Homogeneous Multiprocessor Task-Graph Scheduling Using Ant Colony Optimization”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, (ISI-WoS, 2016-IF = 0.452), Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 3046-3070, 2017. |
Ghelichkhani M. & Khayami R., "A Knowledge Sharing Model for Iranian Educational and Research Organizations", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(28), Oct. 2015 (ISI). |
Gharghi, M., Parvinnia, E., & Khayami, R. “Designing a Fuzzy Rule Base System to Head Cluster Election in Wireless Sensor Networks”. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 2013, pp. 4410-4415 (ISI). |
Khayami, R. “Evaluation and Analyzing of Enterprise Architecture Extensibility”, AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. Vol. 3, August 2013, pp 488-494. http://sproc.org/archives/index.php/P-ITCS/article/viewArticle/1799 |
Khayami R., "Qualitative characteristics of enterprise architecture", Procedia ComputerScience, Vol. 3, 2011, pp 1277-1282 (Elsevier). |
Miri Rostami S., Ahmadzadeh M., R. Khayami, ”A hybrid data mining approach for predicting breastcancer survivability on imbalanced SEER”, 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICNRAECE), 2016. |
Rasti Z., Darajeh A., Khayami R., Sanatnama H., ”Systematic literature review in the area of Enterprise Architecture during past 10 years”, 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), 2015. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7436150&isnumber=7435986 |
Hajizadeh, N, Khayami, S. R., Akbari, R. and Jahanbazi, P. "Empirical study on parallel computation of Cyclomatic complexity Using Message Passing Interface", 1st National Conference on Distributed Computing and Big Data Processing, DCBDP2015. |
Jafari, H., Alinezhad, A. & Khayami, R., “Implementation of a parallel method for the graph coloring problem using MPI and verification of the number of processors on it”, The 5th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, Shiraz, IRAN, 2013. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6620033&isnumber=6620027 |
Parvizi, R., Oghbaei, F. & Khayami, R.,“Using COBIT and ITIL frameworks to establish the alignment of business and IT organizations as one of the critical success factors in ERP implementation”, The 5th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, Shiraz, IRAN, 2013 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6620078&isnumber=6620027 |
Hajizadeh, N, Khayami, S. R., Akbari, R. & Jahanbazi, P., “Empirical study on parallel computation of Cyclomatic complexity Using Message Passing Interface”, 1st National Conference on Distributed Computing and Big Data Processing, Tabriz, 2015. |
Moheb M., Khayami R., “Proposing a Method for measuring the confidentially of Enterprise Architecture Based on COBIT”, International Symposium on Advance in Science and Technology(SASTech), Hormozgan University, Bandar-Abbass, IRAN, 2013. |
Sajjadnia Z., Khayami S.R., Moosavi S.M, Dayyani M., “Preprocessing breast cancer dataset to improve data quality for classification”, The 12th International Breast Cancer Congress, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 2017 |
Khayami R. and Parvinnia E., "A Navel Stack Based Dynamic Programming For Reducing Memory Complexity Applied On DNA Sequences.", International Conference of Information Engineering (WCE2008), London, U.K., 2008 |
R. Khayami, A. Towhidi, and K. Ziarati, "Measurable Quality Characteristics of a Software System on Software Architecture Level", International Conference of Information Engineering (WCE2008), London, U.K., 2008 |
K. Ziarati, R. Khayami, E. Parvinnia, G. Afroozi Milani, " Virtual Collaboration Readiness Measurement a Case Study in the Automobile Industry", Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 6, 2009, pp 913-916 (10.1007/978-3-540-89985-3_132) |
K. Ziarati, R. Khayami, E. Parvinnia, "A Framework for Implementing Virtual Collaborative Networks – Case Study on Automobile Components Production Industry", Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 6, 2009, pp 909-912 (10.1007/978-3-540-89985-3_131) |