Mohmmad Javad Dehghani
Professor of communications
Academic Appointments
- Professor of Communication Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology (from 2018 until now)
- Associate Professor of Communication Engineering,, Shiraz University of Technology (2009-2018)
- Assistant Professor of Communication Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology (2003-2009)
- Instructor, Shiraz University (1993-2003)
- Instructor, Urmia University, Department of Electronics Engineering (1992-1993)
Honors & Awards
- In the 40th anniversary celebration of Isfahan University of Technology, he was chosen by Isfahan University of Technology as one of its forty distinguished alumni in 2020.
- His name was indicated in the list of World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University and Scopus 2020 -2023.
- The Top Student in PhD Course 2002-2003 (Award from the Minister of Science and Technology)
- Second Student among master's graduates in 1991 (Award from the Minister of Science and Technology)
Professional Education
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (1998-2002)
- M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (1988-1990)
- B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (1983-1988)
Undergraduate Courses:
- Signals & Systems
- Electrical Networks ( I, II)
- Electronic (I, III)
- Electromagnetic
- Engineering Mathematics
- Electrical measurement
- Filter and Synthesis
- Digital Signal Processing/Discrete time Signal Processing
- Advanced Topics in Digital Signal Processing
- Advanced Communication Theory
- Wireless Communication Systems
Current Research
Wireless communication research areas such as wireless communication signal processing, multiple antenna systems, multiuser MIMO/MIMO-OFDM, massive MIMO systems, underwater acoustic communications.
All Publications
Selected Journal Publications:
- M. Rahmani, M. Bashar, M. J. Dehghani, P. xiao, M. Debbah, Rahim Tafazolli," Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Sum Rate Fairness Trade-off for Cell-Free mMIMO,"IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022.
- M. Rahmani, M. J. Dehghani,P.xiao, M.bashar, M. Debbah, "Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning-based Pilot Assignment for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems", IEEE Acess, Oct. ۲۰۲۲
- R. Zandi, M. J. Dehghani and V. Kavoosi," Underwater sound speed profile parameters estimation in asynchronous network", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies Journal. July, ۲۰۲۲.
- V. Kavoosi, M. J. Dehghani, R. Javidan, "Underwater Acoustic Source Positioning by Isotropic and Vector Hydrophone Combination", Journal of Sound and Vibration Journal, 2021
V. Kavoosi, M. J. Dehghani, R. Javidan, “Three Dimensional Localization of an Unknown Target Using Two Heterogeneous Sensors”, Signal and Data Processing, No. 1, Series 43, 2020
- E. Faregh, M. J. Dehghani, “Performance Analysis of MIMO and MISO Time Division Duplexing Wireless Links with SWIPT and Antenna Selection”, Wireless Networks, Published Online: 12 May 2020
- Z. Mohammadian, M. J. Dehghani, M. Eslami “Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithms for High Energy Efficiency with Fairness among Users in OFDMA Networks”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2020
- A. Shahimaeen, M. J. Dehghani, “Two-dimensional DOA estimation for coherent signals using a novel covariance-like matrix” , Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2019
- A. Shahimaeen, M. J. Dehghani, M. Dodangeh, “Two-dimensional DOA Estimation for Noncoherent and Coherent Signals Using Subspace Approach” , Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Published 13 September 2019
- M. Lohrasbi, M. J. Dehghani, Z. Mohammadian, “Analysis of Twin-Layer Cellular Networks and Frequency-swapping Aided Femtocell Relying on Fractional Frequency Reuse” , International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), Published 31 July 2019
- S. ArabAmeri, M. J. Dehghani, J. Haghighat, “Improving Coverage Probability in Heterogeneous Networks Based on Poisson Point Process”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, 2018
- Z. Mohammadian, M. J. Dehghani*, M. Eslami and M. Dodangeh, “Max-Min Energy-Efficient Sub-channel Assignment and Power Allocation in Interference-Limited OFDMA Heterogeneous Networks with QOS Guarantee”, Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), 2018.
- A. Mohammadi, M. J. Dehghani and E. Ghazizadeh, “Game Theoretic Spectrum Allocation in Femtocell Networks for Smart Electric Distribution Grids,” Energies 2018, 11(7), 1635
- E. Mortazavi, Reza Javidan, M. J. Dehgani, V. Kavoosi, “A Robust Method for Underwater Wireless Sensor Joint Localization and Synchronization,” Ocean Engineering Journal, 2017, vol 137, pp. 276-286.
- V. Kavossi, M. J. Dehghani, R. Javidan, "Selective geometry for near-field three dimentional localision using one-pair sensor" IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2016, vol. 10. pp. 844-849.
- E. Baktash, M. J. Dehghani, M. Karimi, " Shallow Water Acoustic Channel Modeling Based on Analytical Second Order Statistics for Moving Transmitter/Receiver," IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 1415-1428, 2015.
- M. Bashar, M. Eslami and M. J. Dehghani, "Threshold-Based CSI Feedback Reduction for Time-Varying MIMO Broadcast Channels", IET Communication, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1616-1625, 2014.
- H. Ghasemnezhad, M. J. Dehghani and S. Talebi,"A new low complexity technique for PAPR reduction by using peak-flipping", International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 2014- Vol. 6, No.1 pp. 49- 57
- K. Kazemi, M. R. Amirian, and M. J. Dehghani,"The S-transform using a new window to improve frequency and time resolutions", Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal, Springer 2013, vol 7, pp.192-199
- H. Ghodrati, M. J. Dehghani and H. Daniyali, " Shape Adaptive, Robust Iris Feature Extraction from Noisy Iris Images ," Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors, Vol 3 | Issue 4 | Oct-Dec 2013
- K. Kasiri, K. Kazemi; M. J. Dehghani, M. S. Helfroush," A Hybrid Hierarchical Approach for Brain Tissue Segmentation by Combining Brain Atlas and Least Square Support Vector Machine," Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors, Vol 3 | Issue 4 | Oct-Dec 2013
- H. Ghodrati, M. J. Dehghani and H. Daniyali, " A new accurate noise-removing approach for non-cooperativeiris recognition," Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal, Springer 2012, vol 6, pp.162-173
- H. Ghodrati, M. J. Dehghani, and H. Daniyali, "Two Approaches Based on Genetic Algorithm to Generate Short Iris Codes," I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2012, vol 8, pp. 62-79
- M. Haji Zadeh, M. J. Dehghani, M. S. Helfroush and A.Tashk, “A Robust Blind Image Watermarking Method Using Local Maximum Amplitude Wavelet Coefficient Quantization,” Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (AECE), Vol. 3, 2010
- A. Tashk, M.S. Helfroush and M. J. Dehghani, "A Legendre/Checbyshev Polynomials Interpolation Approach for Fingerprint Orientation Estimation Smoothing and Prediction", Journal of Zhejiang University-Scince,(Appl Phys & Eng) , 2010.
- M. Rahmani, M. Bashar, M. J. Dehghani, P. xiao, M. Debbah, Rahim Tafazolli, "Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Power Allocation in Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO" 2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC).
- M. Bashar, M. Eslami and M. J. Dehghani, " Zero-Forcing Precoding with Partially Outdated CSI Over Time-Varying MIMO Broadcast Channels", IEEE VTC2013-Spring Conference, 2-5 June 2013, ICCD, Dresden, Germany
- S. Heshmati, M. J. Dehghani, and R. Mohseni, "Intercarrier Interference Suppression for OFDM Systems in Underwater Acoustic Channels" 21th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 17-19 May 2013, Mashhad, IRAN
- V. Kavoosi, M. J. Dehghani, and R. Javidan, "A New Method for Near Field ۳D Localization using One-Pair Sensor", 15th Marine Industries Conference , 29-31 oct.,2013, Kish, Iran
- M. Sahraeian, M. J. Dehghani, and R. Javidan, "Sonar Signal Simulation of the Echolocation of Bottlenose Dolphins", 15th Marine Industries Conference , 29-31 oct., 2013, Kish, Iran
- R. Akbarian, M. J. Dehghani, and M. Ebrahimi, "Determining Customer Satisfaction Index Model in Customer Relationship Management (CRM)", the 5th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2013), 22-24 May, 2013, Shiraz,IRAN
- M. J. Dehghani, Z. Karbalaei, and M. Mahzon, "Design of a wide band antenna array with cosecant square pattern using genetic algorithm", 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 564-567, 20-22 Nov. 2012 Belgrade, Serbia.
- M. Bashar, M. Eslami and M. J. Dehghani, "CSI Feedback Reduction Techniques for Cellular Downlink with Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission", 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2012, 17-19 May 2012, IRAN
- M. J. Dehghani, N. Jafarian, and K. kazemi, "Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in 3-D OFDM system ", 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 475-477, 20-22 Nov. 2012Belgrade, Serbia.
- M. Bashar, M. J. Dehghani, M. Eslami, and M. Rasti, " Simplified SVD-BD technique for cellular downlink with coordinated multi-point transmission ", 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 237-240, 20-22 Nov. 2012Belgrade, Serbia.
- H. Ghasemnezhad, M. J. Dehghani and M. Rashidpour; "PAPR Reductionby Using New Clipping Technique and Modified Iterative Reconstruction," Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Signals and Coding, (MICC2011), 7-9 Oct 2011, Cyprus
- M. Sahraeian, M. J. Dehghani, and R. Javidan, " Simulation of directional reciever in bottlenose dolphin echolocation system", 13th Marine Industries Conference , 29-31 oct.,2011, Kish, Iran.
- A. Zahernia, M. J. Dehghani and R. Javidan ,"MUSIC Algorithm for DOA Estimation Using MIMO Arrays," The 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications 2011 (TSSA 2011, 20-21 Oct., 2011, Bali, Indonozia
- Kasiri, K.; Kazemi, K.; Dehghani, M. J.;Helfroush, M. S.,"Hierarchical method for brain MRI segmentation based on using atl support vector machine," Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2011 19th Iranian Conference on, 17-19 May 2011, IRAN
- H. Ghasemnezhad; M. J. Dehghani and S. Ranjbar; "A rate-3/2 full-diversity 4×3 space-time code with reduced ML decoding for three transmit antennas," Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2011 19th Iranian Conference on, 17-19 May 2011, IRAN
- H. Ghodrati, M. J. Dehghani and H. Daniyali, "Iris feature extraction using optimized Gabor wavelet based on multi objective genetic algorithm," Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), 2011 International Symposium on, 15-18 June 2011, Turkey