Samaneh Hamedi
Associate Professor of electronics
Academic Appointments
Associate professor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Honors & Awards
- Best Graduated MS.c student from Shahid Rajaee University.
- Top Researcher in Shahid Rajaee University
- Best Graduated PhD student from Shiraz University.
- The Best Paper Award in the National Conference on the Role of Basic Scientifics in Nano-Technology, December 2009.
Professional Education
- BS.c, Shiraz University, Electrical Engineering, Communication (2003)
- MS.c, Tehran Shahid Rajaee University, Electronic (2009)
- PhD, Shiraz University, Electrical Engineering, Electronic (Optoelectronic)(2015)
Undergraduate Courses
- Electronics I
- Electronics II
- Numerical Analysis
- Physics Electronics
- Computer Architecture
- Electronics I Lab
- Electronics II Lab
- Electronics III Lab
- Computer Architecture lab
- Electronic Circuits I
- Integrated Circuits Lab
- Organic Electronic
- Photonic crystals
Current Research
- Polymeric optical integrated circuits
- Organic electronic devices
- Neural networks
All Publications
Journal Papers
- R. Ebrahimpour and S. Hamedi, “Hand Written Digit Recognition by Multiple Classifier Fusion: based on Decision Templates Approach”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 57, pp- 245-250, 2009.
- S. Olyaee, T. H. Yoon and S. Hamedi, “Jones matrix analysis of frequency mixing error in three-longitudinal-mode laser heterodyne interferometer”, IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 215-224, 2009.
- Olyaee, R. Ebrahimpour, S. Hamedi, “Modeling and compensation of the periodic nonlinearity in two-mode interferometer using Neural Networks”, IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 56, No. 10, pp. 102-110, 2010.
- Olyaee, S. Hamedi, and Zahra Dashtban, “Design of electronic sections for nano-displacement measuring system”, Springer, Front. Optoelectron in china, Vol. 3, No. 4. 376-381, 2010.
- Olyaee, M. Shams Esfand Abadi, S. Hamedi, and Fatemeh Finizadeh, “Use of adaptive RLS, LMS, and NLMS algorithms for nonlinearity modeling in a modified laser interferometer”, Springer, Front. Optoelectron in china, Vol. 3, No. 3. 264-269, 2010.
- Olyaee and S. Hamedi, “A low-nonlinearity laser heterodyne interferometer with quadrupled resolution in the displacement measurement”, Springer, The Arab J Sci Eng,Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 279-286, on, 2011.
- Olyaee, M. S. E. Abadi, S. Hamedi, and F. Finizadeh, “Refractive index determination in fuel cells using high-resolution laser heterodyne interferometer,” ScienceDirect, Int Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 13255-13265, 2011 .
- S. Olyaee & S. Hamedi, “Neural network approximation of nonlinearity in laser nano-metrology system based on TLMI,” IOP, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser (POEM 2010), Vol. 276, pp. 1-9, 2011.
- Olyaee , S. Hamedi & Z. Dashtban,” Efficient performance of neural networks for nonlinearity error modeling of three-longitudinalmode interferometer in nano-metrology system,” Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Precision Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 379-387, 2012.
- S. hamedi and A. Ghaarvi, “ Effect of heat treatment on Optical Properties of Crosslinkable Azo Chromophore Doped in Poly Amic Acid” Journal of European Optical Society:RP, Vol. 10, pp. 2573:1-4, 2015.
- S. Hamedi, Z Kordrostami, A Yadollahi, "Artificial neural network approaches for modeling absorption spectrum of nanowire solar cells," Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 8985-8995, 2019.
- Z Kordrostami, S Hamedi, F Khalifeh, "Design of High Frequency Single and Double Gate Laterally-Contacted InGaAs/InAlAs HEMTs," Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Innovations (JECEI), Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.155-162, 2019
- HR Madvar, Z Kordrostami, S Hamedi, "Fabrication of Room Temperature Resistive Ethanol Gas Sensor Based on ZnO Nanorods Decorated with PbS Nanoparticles," Journal of Nano Research, Vol. 65, pp. 145-155, 2020.
S Hamedi, R Negahdari, HR Ansari, "Design plasmonic optical ۴× ۲ encoder based on ۲D photonic crystal ring resonator," Plasmonics, Vol. 16, pp. 1983-19901-8, 2021.
- HD Jahromi, S Hamedi, "Artificial Intelligence Approach for Calculating Electronic and Optical Properties of Nanocomposites," Materials Research Bulletin, Vol.141, p. 111371, 2021.
- S Hamedi, HD Jahromi, "Performance Analysis of All-Optical Logical Gate Using Artificial Neural Network," Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 178, p.115029, 2021.
- A Ghasemi Nejad Raeini, Z Kordrostami, S Hamedi, "Coupled NEGF-PSO method for maximizing the current ratio of CNTFETs based on oxide thickness optimization," Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. ۲۰, No. ۵, pp.۱۶۵۷-۱۶۶۵, ۲۰۲۱.
- A Lotfiani, H Dehdashtijahromi, S Hamedi, "Monolithic silicon-based photovoltaic-nanoplasmonic biosensor with enhanced limit of detection and minimum detectable power," Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 1231-1237, 2022.
M Zamani, Z Kordrostami, S Hamedi, "Efficient inclined core-shell nanowire solar cells," Optik, vol. ۲۴۸, pp.۱۶۷۹۷۴, ۲۰۲۱.
A. Moazzeni, S Hamedi, Z Kordrostami, "Switching characteristic of fabricated nonvolatile bipolar resistive switching memory (ReRAM) using PEDOT: PSS/GO, Solid State Electronics, Vol. ۱۸۸, pp. ۱۰۸۲۰۸, ۲۰۲۲.
سمیه علیزاده، سمانه حامدی ، احسان زارعیان جهرمی،"طراحی حسگز بلورفوتونی دوکاناله برای تشخیص مواد منفجره"، نشریع علمی و فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات انتظامی، دوره اول، شماره ۴، زمستان ۹۹
- M Seifi, S Hamedi, Z Kordrostami, "Fabrication of a high-sensitive wearable temperature sensor with an improved response time based on PEDOT: PSS/rGO on a flexible kapton substrate", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 6954-6968, 2022
- H Saheban, Z Kordrostami, S Hamedi, "A multi-objective optimization of sensitivity and bandwidth of a 3-D MEMS bionic vector hydrophone," Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 110, No. 3, pp. 455-467, 2022
- F Baraty, S Hamedi, "Design of a 2D photonic crystal biosensor using X-shape ring resonator based on Graphene Oxide (GO) for detection of blood components,"
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 36, No. 17, 2401-2418, 2022.
- A Moazzeni, H Riyahi Madvar, S Hamedi, Z Kordrostami, "Fabrication of Graphene Oxide-Based Resistive Switching Memory by the Spray Pyrolysis Technique for Neuromorphic Computing," ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 2236-2248, 2023.
- S Hamedi, HD Jahromi, A Lotfiani, "Artificial intelligence-aided nanoplasmonic biosensor modeling, " Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 118, pp. 105646, 2023.
- F Baraty, S Hamedi, "Label-Free Cancer Cell Biosensor Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator, " Results in Physics, Vol. 46, pp. 106317, 2023
- nano-metrology based on the laser interferometers: Advances in measurement sciences
- S. Olyaee and Hamedi, “Correction of Nonlinearity in High-Resolution Nano-Displacement Measurements”, IEEE 5th International Symposium on High-Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies, Penang, Malaysia, Nov 18-20, pp. 116-119, 2008.
- S. Olyaee, S. Hamedi and A. Najibi, “Design of Integrated Circuit of Super-Heterodyne System for Measuring the Nano-Scale Dimensions”, The 1st Conference on the Role of Basic Scientifics in Nano-Technology, Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran, (In Persian), December 10-11, 2009 (The Best Paper Award)
- S. Olyaee and S. Hamedi, “Refractive Index Determination in Fuel Cells by using Laser Heterodyne Interferometer”, 3rd Iranian Conference on Fuel Cells, Tehran, Iran, pp. 1-7, October 28-29, 2009.
- S. Olyaee, R. Ebrahimpour, S. Hamedi and F. M. Jafarlou, “Modeling of the nonlinearity in nano-displacement measuring system based on the neural network approaches”, Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7515, pp. 75150H-1-8, Wuhan, China, August 8-10, 2009.
- Hamedi, S. Olyaee and R. Ebrahimpour, “Modeling of Nonlinearity in Nanometrology Interferometric System using Neural Networks Ensemble”, 1st National Conference on Optics and Laser Engineering, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 262-267 (In Persian), May 20-21, 2009.
- Olyaee, F. Abbas Zadeh and S. Hamedi, “The Stabilization of Two-Mode He-Ne Laser Cavity Based on Thermally Controled Oscillator”, 1st National Conference on Optics and Laser Engnieenring, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 70-74 (In Persian), May 20-21, 2009.
- R. Ebrahimpour and S. Hamedi, “Hand Written Digit Recognition by Multiple Classifier Fusion: based on Decision Templates Approach”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 57, pp- 245-250, 2009.
- S. Olyaee and Hamedi, “Subnanometer Heterodyne Interferometer Based the Optical Head with Quadrupled Measurement Resolution”, 17th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, pp. 290-294, May 12-14, 2009
- Saeed Olyaee, Mohammad Shams Esfand Abadi, Samaneh Hamedi, and Fatemeh Finizadeh, “Adaptive RLS Algorithm and Neural Network Method for Nonlinearity Modeling in the Nanometrology System: A Comparison,” 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Isfahan, Iran, May 12-14, 2010.
- Saeed Olyaee, Mohammad Shams Esfand Abadi, Samaneh Hamedi, and Fatemeh Finizadeh, “Adaptive Algorithms for Nonlinearity Modeling in Laser Heterodyne Interferometer, ” 7th IEEE, iet international symposiumn communication systems, networks and digital signal processing, K, pp. 21-23, July 2010.
- S. hamedi and A. Ghaarvi, "Corona Poling of an AZO Nonlinear Optical Polymer with High Glass Transition and emporal Stability," 19th conf on optics and photonics, Iran, Zahedan, 2013.
- S. hamedi and A. Ghaarvi, "Fabrication of an Azo Ploymeric Mach-Zehnder Electro- Optic Modulator," 20th conf on optics and photonics, Iran, Shiraz, 2014 . (In Persian)
- S. Hamedi, A. Rashidi, H. Dehdashti Jahromi and A. Gharavi, “Optical Properties of azo Chromophore (DR1) Doped in Poly Amic Acid”, 23th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran, Tehran, May 12-14, pp. 1286:1289, 2015. (Oral)
- S. hamedi and A. Ghaarvi, “Optical Channel Waveguide on Disperse Red 1/ Poly Amic Acid (DR1: PAM) as Guest-Host Fabricated by Using Laser-Direct Writing System,”The 5th Iranian Conference on engineering Electromagnetics (ICEEM 2016, Iran, Tehran, May 19-20, pp. 108, 2017. (Oral)
- S. Hamedi and A. Hamedi, "Modeling of Output optical Intensity of Polyer waveguides with artifical neural network," 4th Int conf on knowledge -based engineering and Innovation (KBEI) , Iran, tehran, 2017. (In Persian)
- S. Hamedi and O. daneshmandi, "Design and simulation of Core and Cladding Layers for Polymeric Electro-Optic Modulator," 24th conf on optics and photonics, Iran, sharkord, 2017. (In Persian)
- S. Hamedi and Peyman amiri, "Measurement the Propagation Loss of Polymer Films Using Image Processing of the Light Coupled in the Waveguide," 5th Iranian Conference on engineering Electromagnetics (ICEEM ), Iran, Tehran, Iran, Tehran, 2017. (In Persian).
- S. Hamedi, "Effect of Heat Treatment on Resistivity of Core and Clad layers of Polymer Electro-Optic Modulators," 25th conf on optics and photonics, Iran, shiraz, 2018.
- S Hamedi, A Gharavi, "Polymer-Based Channel Waveguides with Direct-Laser Writing Technique," 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iran, Yazd, pp. 15-17, 2019.
- F Ghasemi, Z Kordrostami, S Hamedi, "Nanorod pH Sensor Based on an Extended Gate MOSFET, "27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iran, Yazd, pp. 101-103, 2019
- HR Ansari, Z Kordrostami, S Hamedi, Effect of Passive Elements on the Isolation of a pin-pin RF MEMS Switch in an Electrical Circuit, 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iran, Tabriz, pp. 1-4, 2020.
- A Moazzeni, S. Hamedi, Fabrication of non-volatile resistive switching memory based on Graphene oxide and PEDOT: PSS mixture, 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), ran, Tabriz, pp. 1-4, 2020.
- Mahsa Seifi, S. Hamedi, Z Kordrostami, "A Simple and Cost-effective method for Fabrication of Temperature Sensor based on PEDOT:PSS/Graphene Oxide," The 2nd Iranian Conference on Microelectronics (ICM2020), Iran, Tehran, 2020.
- A Moazzeni, S. Hamedi, "an electrical Model for Defects in Resistive Switching RAM," The 2nd Iranian Conference on Microelectronics (ICM2020), Iran, Tehran, 2020.
- F. Baraty and S. Hamedi, "Design of a Two-Dimensional Silicon Photonic Crystal Biosensor for Diagnosis of Cancer Cells," 27th conf on optics and photonics, Iran, zahedan, 2021.
- M. Hassani and S. Hamedi, "Fabrication of a Resistive photodetector based on Interdigitated Electrodes with CdS," 28th conf on optics and photonics, Iran, khuzestan, 2022.
- M. Rezanejad, and S. Hamedi, "Fabrication of Color Indicator Using Optical Technique for Hydrogen peroxide," 29th conf on optics and photonics, Iran, Shiraz University of Technology, 2023.