Faculty Members

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Ebrahim Abiri
E-Mail: abiri@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 103, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2629)
Area of Specialty: electronics
Areas of Interest:
Analog and digital IC design
RFIC design
Power electronics

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Jamshid Aghaei
E-Mail: aghaei@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 498, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2659)
Area of Specialty: power
Areas of Interest:
Power System Operation and Planning
Renewable Energies
Electricity Markets
Smart Microgrids

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Raheleh Basiri
Associate Professor
E-Mail: r.basiri@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 3726-2776
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Numerical methods in electromagnetic
Wave Propagation in special Media
Metamaterials and Applications
Antenna and Microwave

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Tahereh Binazadeh
E-Mail: binazadeh@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 507, Control Group Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2594)
Area of Specialty: control
Areas of Interest:
Nonlinear control; Optimal control; Robust control; Autopilot Guidance and navigation; Complex systems;

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Habibollah Danyali
E-Mail: danyali@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 94, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2790)
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Medical image processing
Data hiding
Remote sensing
Scalable image and video coding (especially for multimedia delivery over heterogeneous networks)

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Mohmmad Javad Dehghani
E-Mail: dehghani@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2779).
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Current research interests include wireless communication research areas such as wireless communication signal processing
multiple antenna systems
multiuser MIMO/MIMO-OFDM
massive MIMO systems
underwater acoustic communications.

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Farzin Emami
E-Mail: emami@sutech.ac.ir
building: Electrical and Electronic Department
Room: 127, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2663)
Area of Specialty: electronics
Areas of Interest:
Semiconductor laser
Optical fibers
Optoelectronics and nonlinear fiber optics

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Mohsen Eslami
Associate Professor
E-Mail: m.eslami@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 102, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2575)
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Wireless Communication
Massive MIMO Systems
Multi-user MIMO Wireless Systems
Green Cellular Communication
Optical Wireless Systems
Spread spectrum.

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Mohsen Gitizadeh
E-Mail: gitizadeh@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 505, Control Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2773)
Area of Specialty: power
Areas of Interest:
Demand side management
FACTS devices
Power system operation and planning
Distributed generation
Distribution systems.

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Samaneh Hamedi
Associate Professor
E-Mail: hamedi@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: 7137354500-2905
Area of Specialty: electronics
Areas of Interest:
"optical integrated circuits
" "opto electronic devices
" "optical nanometrology systems
" "organic electronic
" "modeling with neural network"

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Kourosh Hassanli
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: hassanli@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 502, Control Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2557)
Area of Specialty: electronics
Areas of Interest:
CMOS ASIC design
Smart CMOS sensors
Low-power circuits
VLSI circuits and systems
Embedded systems
Energy harvesting systems

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Mohammad Sadegh Helfroush
E-Mail: ms_helfroush@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71)37354101
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
COMPUTER SCIENCE: Image Processing
Pattern Recognition
Medical Image Processing
Machine learning.

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Shahrokh Jam
E-Mail: jam@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 104, EE Building
Phone: (+98)(71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2649)
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
High frequency circuits

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Abdollah Kavousi-Fard
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: kavousi@sutech.ac.ir
building: Control Building
Phone: (98)71-37279189
Area of Specialty: power
Areas of Interest:
Distribution Systems
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Renewable Energy Sources
Electric Vehicles
Data Security in Power Systems
Machine Learning Methods in Power Systems
Prediction Models
Smart City
Smart Home
Smart Grid

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Kamran Kazemi
E-Mail: kazemi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 97, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2792)
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Digital image processing
Signal processing
Image Segmentation and Modelling
Internet of Medical Things

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Zoheir Kordrostami
Associate Professor
E-Mail: kordrostami@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: 07137354500 (Ext: 2605)
Area of Specialty: electronics
Areas of Interest:
Nano Electronics
Semiconductor Electronic Devices

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Mohammad Mardaneh
E-Mail: mardaneh@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 504, Control Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2791)
Area of Specialty: power
Areas of Interest:
Design and Control of Electric Machines
Grid Connected Power Electronics Converters
Distribution Systems.

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Reza Mohseni
Associate Professor
E-Mail: mohseni@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71)3726-4121
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Statistical Signal Processing
Signal Processing in Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems
Signal Design for Radar Applications

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Taher Niknam
E-Mail: Niknam@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71) 37264121
Area of Specialty: power
Areas of Interest:
Power System Optimization

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Najmeh Nozhat
Associate Professor
E-Mail: nozhat@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 39, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2595)
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
All-optical telecommunication
Nano-optics and nano-photonics
Plasmonic devices
Graphene-based structures
Nonlinear optics
Photonic crystal

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Akbar Rahideh
E-Mail: rahide@sutech.ac.ir
building: 1345
Room: 98, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2783)
Area of Specialty: power
Areas of Interest:
Design and optimization of electric machines
Control of electric drives
Modeling of dynamic systems
Fault detection of electric machines
Signal processing

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Amirhossein Rajaei
Associate Professor
E-Mail: a.rajaei@sutech.ac.ir
Area of Specialty: power
Areas of Interest:
Power Electronics Power Converters Renewable energy

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Alireza Roosta
Associate Professor
E-Mail: roosta@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 494, Control Group Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2667)
Area of Specialty: control
Areas of Interest:
Nonlinear control in power systems
Nonlinear control in navigation
Fuzzy control
Neural control.

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Behrouz Safarinejadian
E-Mail: safarinejad@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 494, Control Group Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2574)
Area of Specialty: control
Areas of Interest:
Multi-Agent Systems
Intelligent Control
Computational Intelligence
System Identification
Distributed Control
Stochastic Control
Distributed Sensor Networks
Fault Detection

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Mohammad Reza Salehi
E-Mail: salehi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 119, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2625)
Area of Specialty: electronics
Areas of Interest:
Optics and Optoelectronics

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Sadegh Samadi
Associate Professor
E-Mail: samadi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 126, EE Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2624)
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Signal processing with applications to communication systems and radar
Radar imaging and synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
Compressed sensing
Detection and estimation theory

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Mohammad Hossein Shafiei
E-Mail: shafiei@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 38, Corridor next to Dr. Taheri's hall
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2545)
Area of Specialty: control
Areas of Interest:
Nonlinear control Optimal control Control of air vehicles Guidance and navigation Robust control Autopilot

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Mokhtar Shasadeghi
E-Mail: shasadeghi@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 503, Control Group Building
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2747)
Area of Specialty: control
Areas of Interest:
Fuzzy control
Sum-of-Squares optimization
Control in power systems
Robust control
Adaptive control
Time-delay systems
Industrial control
Neural networks.

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Jafar Zarei
E-Mail: zarei@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 37, Control Group Building
Phone: (71) 3735-4500 (Ext: 2651)
Area of Specialty: control
Areas of Interest:
Fault detection and isolation Fault tolerant control systems Robust control.

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Ehsan Zareian Jahromi
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: zareian@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (71)3735-4500 (Ext: 2668)
Area of Specialty: communications
Areas of Interest:
Microwave Structures
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics