Mohammad Ali Hadianfard
Academic Appointments
Professional Education
All Publications
Journal Papers
1- M.A. Hadianfard and R. Razani, "Effects of semi-rigid behavior of connections in the reliability of steel frames ", Journal of Structural Safety, 25, 2003, 123-138.
2- M.J. Hadianfard and M.A. Hadianfard, “Structural failure of a telescopic shiploader during installation”, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 7, 2007, 282-291.
3- M.J. Hadianfard and M.A. Hadianfard, “Failure analysis of a high pressure orifice flange of an oil refinery during operation”, Journal of Key Engineering Materials, 417-418, 2010, 125-128.
4- M.A. Hadianfard and H. Rahnema, “Effects of RHS face deformation on the rigidity of beam-column connection”, Journal of Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2010, 491-502.
5- H. Rahnema, M.H. Modarresi, A. Lashkari, M.A. Hadianfard and S. Sedaghat, “Study of properties of high strength concrete reinforced with industrial waste steel fibers”, Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 341-342, 2012, 231-241.
6- M.A. Hadianfard, “Using integrated displacement method to time-history analysis of steel frames with nonlinear flexible connections”, Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 41, No. 5, 2012, 675-689.
7- M.A. Hadianfard and M. Gadami, “Seismic demand of steel structures with mass irregularity”, Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2012, 135-154.
8- M.A. Hadianfard, A. Farahani and A. B-Jahromi, “On the effect of steel columns cross sectional properties on the behaviours when subjected to blast loading”, Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2012, 449-463.
9- M.A. Hadianfard and S. Sedaghat, “Investigation of joist floor diaphragm flexibility on inelastic behavior of steel braced structures, Journal of Scientia Iranica, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2013, 445-453.
10- M.H. Makiabadi, A. Baghlani, H.Rahnama and M.A. Hadianfard, “Optimal design of truss bridges using teaching-learning-based optimization algorithm”, Int. Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2013, 499-510.
11-M.A. Hadianfard, A.R. Khakzad and M. Vaghefi, “Analysis of the effect of stiffener on the buckling capacity and non-elastic behavior of bracing gusset plates”, Scientia Iranica A 22(4), 2015, 1449-1456.
12- M. A. Hadianfard, R. Rabiee and A. Sarshad, “Case study on the effects of retrofitting on changing structural dynamic characteristics by microtremor measurements and finite element analysis”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 55, No. 5, 2015, 965-977.
13- M.A. Hadianfard, A.R. Khakzad, “Inelastic buckling and post-buckling behavior of gusset plate connections”, Journal of Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2016, 411-427.
14- M.A. Hadianfard, S. Jafari , “Prediction of lightweight aggregate concrete compressive strength using ultrasonic pulse velocity test through gene expression programming”, Scientia Iranica, A, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2016, 2506-2513.
15- M.A. Hadianfard, R. Rabiee, A. Sarshad, “Assessment of vulnerability and dynamic characteristics of ahistorical building using microtremor measurements”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 15, 2017, 175-183.
16- Z. Yazdizadeh, H. Marzouk, M.A. Hadianfard, “Monitoring of concrete shrinkage and creep using Fiber Bragg Grating sensors”, Construction and Building Materials, 137, 2017, 505-512.
17- M.A. Hadianfard, A. Hashemi, M. Gholami, “Study on the effects of various mid-connections of x-brace on frame behavior, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2017, 449-455.
18- M.A. Hadianfard, H. Marzouk, C. Shafieyan, “Strength and elastic modulus of a concrete bridge using advanced nondestructive techniques”, Scientia Iranica, A, 24(3), 2017, 942-952.
19- M.A. Hadianfard, M. Gholami, A. Hashemi, “Numerical study on the behavior of central gusset plates in inverted v-brace frames”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering 41(4), 2017, 433-439.
20- M.A. Hadianfard, S. Malekpour, M. Momeni, “Reliability analysis of H-section steel columns under blast loading”, Journal of Structural Safety, Vol. 75, 2018, 45-56.
21- M.A. Hadianfard, F. Eskandari, B. JavidSharifi, “The effects of beam-column connections on behavior of buckling-restrained braced frames”, Journal of Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2018, 309-318.
22- M.A. Hadianfard, M. Shekari, “An Equivalent Single-Degree-of-Freedom System to Estimate Nonlinear Response of Semi-Fixed Flexural Members under Impact Load”, Iranian J. of Science and Technology, Trans. Civil Eng., 43(Suppl 1), 2019, 343-355.
23- S. Akbarpoor, S.M.Dehghan and M.A. Hadianfard, “Seismic performance evaluation of steel frame structures equipped with tuned liquid dampers”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.19, No. 8, 2018, 1037-1053.
24- M. Momeni, M.A. Hadianfard, C. Bedonb, A. Baghlani, “Numerical damage evaluation assessment of blast loaded steel columns with similar section properties”, Journal of Structures, Vol. 20, 2019, 189-203.
25- Sharbati, R., Hayati, Y. & Hadianfard, M.A., “Numerical Investigation on the Cyclic Behavior of Post-tensioned Steel Moment Connections with Bolted Angles”, Int. J. Steel Struct., Volume 19, Issue 6, 2019, 1840–1853.
26- M. Jahangiri, M.A. Najafgholipour, S.M. Dehghan, M.A. Hadianfard, “The efficiency of a novel identification method for structural damage assessment using the first vibration mode data”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 458, 2019, 1-16.
27- M. Jahangiri, M.A. Hadianfard, “Vibration‑based structural health monitoring using symbiotic organism search based on an improved objective function”, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 9, 2019, 741–755.
28- M. Momeni, M.A. Hadianfard, C. Bedon, A. Baghlani, “Damage evaluation of H-section steel columns under impulsive blast loads via gene expression programming”, Engineering Structures, 219, 2020, 110909.
29- M.A. Hadianfard, S. Kamali, “Analysis of Modal Frequencies Estimated from Frequency Domain Decomposition Method”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 12 (3), 2020.
30- A. Johari, M. Khani, M.A. Hadianfard, B. JavidSharifi, “System reliability analysis for seismic site classification based on sequential Gaussian co-simulation: A case study in Shiraz, Iran”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 137, 2020, 106286.
31- M. Jahangiri, M.A. Hadianfard, M.A. Najafgholipour, M. Jahangiri, M.R .Gerami, “Interactive autodidactic school: A new metaheuristic optimization algorithm for solving mathematical and structural design optimization problems”, Computers & Structures, 235, 2020, 106268.
32-M. Jahangiri, M.A. Hadianfard, M.A. Najafgholipour, M. Jahangiri, “A reliability-based sieve technique: A novel multistage probabilistic methodology for the damage assessment of structures”, Engineering Structures 226, 2021, 111359.
33- M.A. Hadianfard, M. Namjoo, M. boroumand and S. Akbarpoor, “Investigation of welded top and seat angle connections under column removal event”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2021, 121-138.
34- A. Rigi, B. JavidSharifi, M.A. Hadianfard, T.Y. Yang, “Study of the seismic behavior of rigid and semi-rigid steel moment-resisting frames”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 186, 2021, 106910.
35- M. Momeni, M. Riahi Beni, C. Bedon, M.A. Najafgholipour, S.M. Dehghan, B. JavidSharifi, M.A. Hadianfard, “Dynamic Response Analysis of Structures Using Legendre–Galerkin Matrix Method”, Applied Sciences, 11, 2021, 9307.
36- M. Momeni, C. Bedon, M.A. Hadianfard, and A. Baghlani, “An Efficient Reliability-Based Approach for Evaluating Safe Scaled Distance of Steel Columns under Dynamic Blast Loads”, Buildings, 11(12), 2021, p.606.
37- A. Babaali, M. Negahdarifar, M.A. Hadianfard, and M. Jahangiri, “Experimental Examination of the Effect of Length and Percentage of Steel Fibers on the Tension and Compression Strengths of Concrete”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Materials Application, 5(4), 2021 (December), 223-232.
38- S. Jafari, M.A. Hadianfard, and S.S. Mahini, “Determination of compressive strength of lightweight aggregate concrete in service using gene expression programming based on semi‐direct ultrasonic pulse velocity testing”, Structural Concrete, 23, Issue 4, 2022, 2088-2105.
39- F. Jamali Paghaleh, M.A. Hadianfard, and H. Saffari, “Seismic behavior of through beam connection to steel box-column”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 193, 2022, 107261.
40- F. Ebrahimiyan, M.A. Hadianfard, H. Naderpour, and R. Jankowski, “Fragility analysis of structural pounding between adjacent structures arranged in series with various alignment configurations under near‑field earthquakes”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 20:7215–7240, 2022.
41- M.A. Hadianfard, M. Jahangiri, and S. Shojaei, "The effects of non-structural components on the dynamic characteristics and vulnerability of concrete structures using ambient vibration tests and Nakamura's criterion", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 162, 2022, 107492.
42- M. Jahangiri, M.A. Hadianfard, and S. Shojaei, "Microtremor measurements for assessing the influences of non-structural components on the modal properties and vulnerability of steel structures", Measurement, 2022, 111750.
43- M. Jahangiri, M.A. Hadianfard, M.A. Najafgholipour, and M. Jahangiri, “Vibration based structural damage detection using the interactive Autodidactic School Optimization Algorithm Based on an Energy-Dissipation Method”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2022, 2250192.
44- M. Jahangiri, M.A. Hadianfard, M.A. Najafgholipour, M. Jahangiri, S. Hatami, “A Novel Probabilistic Structural Damage Detection Approach Considering Uncertainty Sources”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 47, 2023, 2605–2623.
45- M. Jahangiri, A. Palermo, S. Kamali, M.A. Hadianfard, A. Marzani, “A procedure to estimate the Minimum Observable Damage in truss structures using vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring systems”, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 73, 2023, 103451.
46- S. Kamali, and M.A. Hadianfard, “Spectral optimization-based modal identification: A novel operational modal analysis technique”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 198, 2023, 110445.
47- S. Kamali, S.M Dehghan, M.A. Najafgholipour, M.A. Hadianfard, “Accuracy and stability of a Proposed Implicit Time Integration Method (ζ-Method) Based on a Sinusoidal Interpolation Function for Acceleration”, Scientia Iranica. 2023 Jun 20.
48- M. Momeni, C. Bedon, M.A. Hadianfard, “Probabilistic Evaluation of Steel Column Damage under Blast Loading via Simulation Reliability Methods and Gene Expression Programming”, Engineering Proceedings, 53, 20, 2023.
49- R. Sanjari Mijan, M. Momeni, and M.A. Hadianfard, “Impact of fine lightweight aggregates and coal waste on structural lightweight concrete: Experimental study and gene expression programming”, Structures, 63, May 2024, 106397.
50- S. Kamali, S. Mariani, M.A. Hadianfard, and A. Marzani, "Inverse surrogate model for deterministic structural model updating based on random forest regression", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 215 (2024), 111416.
51- A. Babaali, M.A. Hadianfard, and M. Jahangiri, “The influences of type, length, and volumetric fraction of fibers on the direct shear strength of the fiber-reinforced concretes”, Construction and Building Materials, 428, 2024,136375.
International conferences
1-M.A. Hadianfard, “Reliability based optimization of semi-rigid steel frames”, Eleventh international conference on optimum design of structures and materials in engineering (OPTI XI), Wessex Institute of Technology, 8-10 June 2009, Algrave, Portugal.
2- M.A. Hadianfard and H. Rahnema, “Advanced nonlinear time-history analysis of partially restrained steel frames by using integrated equations of motion”, Int. Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Eng. Nottingham, Uk, June 2010.
3- M.A. Hadianfard and A. Farahani, “Behavior and local failure of steel columns subjected to blast loading”, The 2011 world congress on advances in structural engineering and mechanics (ASEM’11), Seoul, Korea, 18-22 Sep., 2011.
4- M.A. Hadianfard and M. Gadami, “Nonlinear dynamic response of moment resisting steel buildings with vertical mass irregularities”, The 2011 world congress on advances in structural engineering and mechanics (ASEM’11), Seoul, Korea, 18-22 Sep., 2011.
5- M.A. Hadianfard and S. Sedaghat, “Nonlinear seismic response of braced steel structures with flexible block-joist floor”, The 2011 world congress on advances in structural engineering and mechanics (ASEM’11), Seoul, Korea, 18-22 Sep., 2011.
6- M. A. Hadianfard, M. Wassegh, M. Soltani Mohammdi, “Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of Progressive Collapse for Seismic Designed Steel Moment Frame”, 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Moscow, 27-29 June, 2012.
7- M. A. Hadianfard, R. Sharbati, A Lashkari, “Cyclic Behavior of Post-Tensioned Energy Dissipating Steel Connection”, 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Moscow, 27-29 June, 2012.
8- M. Wassegh, M.A. Hadianfard, M. Soltani, “Evaluation of progressive collapse potential of steel moment frames in different seismic zones of Iran”, Proceeding of the 9th International Congress on civil engineering, Isfahan, Iran, 8-10 May 2012.
9- M. Wassegh, M.A. Hadianfard, M. Soltani Mohammadi, “Evaluating of Building Height on Progressive Collapse of Steel structures” , Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Seismic Retrofitting, Tabriz, Iran, 2-4 May 2012.
10- M.S. Tabatabaei, M.A. Hadianfard, “Evaluation of Progressive Collapse in Concrete Structures Using Linear and Nonlinear Static Analysis”, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Seismic Retrofitting, Tabriz, Iran, 2-4 May 2012.
11- A. Sarshad, M.H. Makki Abadi, A. Rahnama, M.A. Hadianfard, “Vulnerability Assessment of Rural Buildings Using Spectral Ratio Method” , Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Seismic Retrofitting, Tabriz, Iran, 2-4 May 2012.
12- R. Sharbati, M.A. Hadianfard, A. Lashkari, “Investigation on the Non-linear Behavior of Post-Tensioned Steel Moment Resisting Frames”, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Seismic Retrofitting, Tabriz, Iran, 2-4 May 2012.
13- S. Ghadimi, M.A. Hadianfard, “Evaluation the reliability of indeterminate truss structure by matrix-based system reliability method”, International conference on civil engineering, architecture & urban sustainable development, Tabriz, Iran, 27-28 November 2013.
14- A. Baghlani, M.A. Hadianfard, M. Yarahmadi, “A comparison between Pre-retrofitted and Post-Retrofitted Behavior of RC Frames under Time-History Analysis”, 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 7-8 May 2014, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran.
15- S. Akbarpoor, S.M. Dehghan Banadaki and M.A. Hadianfard, “Seismic performance evaluation of steel moment resisting frames equipped with tuned liquid damper”, 6th International conference on earthquake & structures, ACECR of Kerman, Kerman, Iran, 14-15 October, 2015.
16- S. Akbarpoor, S.M. Dehghan Banadaki and M.A. Hadianfard, “Effect of TLD frequency detuning on the seismic performance of steel moment frames”, International Conference on Modern Research in Civil Eng., Architectural & Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, 25 November, 2015.
17- M. A. Hadianfard, A.R. Nikmohammadi, “Compressive Strength Prediction of Roller-Compacted Concrete Using Nondestructive Tests through Artificial Intelligence”, International Conference on Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China, 9-11 December, 2016.
18- Johari, A., Khani, M. and Hadianfard, M.A., “Uncertainty assessment of seismic site classification”, Int. Conf. on Contemporary Iran on Civil Eng. Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, August 16, 2017.
19- Rigi, A., JavidSharifi, B. and Hadianfard, M.A., “Vulnerability assessment of a typical mid-rise steel moment frame through fragility analysis using the IDA method”, 11th International Congress on Civil Engineering (11icce), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 8-10 May, 2018.
20- Mohitpour, S., Momeni, M. and Hadianfard, M.A., “Numerical study of fiber concrete panels behavior under blast loading”, 11th International Congress on Civil Engineering (11icce), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 8-10 May, 2018.
21- Momeni, M., Hadianfard, M.A. and Baghlani, A., “Implementation of Weighted Uniform Simulation Method in Failure Probability Analysis of Steel Columns under Blast Load”, 11th International Congress on Civil Engineering (11icce), University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 8-10 May, 2018.
22- M. A. Hadianfard, S. Kamali, “Uncertainty Analysis of Modal Frequencies Estimated from Frequency Domain Decomposition Method”, 8th International conference on Civil Engineering, ICCEN 2019, Paris, France, November 19-21, 2019.
23- Kamali, S. and Hadianfard, M.A. “Simultaneous Employment of Random Decrement and Floor Spectral Ratio Methods in Modal Identification of Structures”, 11th National Congress on Civil Engineering 30th April & 1st May, 2019 Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.