Abdolhossein Baghlani
Associate Professor
E-Mail: baghlani@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Optimization in Civil Engineering
Numerical Methods
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
River Engineering
Sediment Transport
Associate Professor
E-Mail: baghlani@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Optimization in Civil Engineering
Numerical Methods
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
River Engineering
Sediment Transport

Seyed Mohammad Binesh
Associate Professor
E-Mail: binesh@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Numerical modeling in soil mechanics
Limit analysis
Discrete element method
Associate Professor
E-Mail: binesh@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Numerical modeling in soil mechanics
Limit analysis
Discrete element method

Seyed Mehdi Dehghan
Associate Professor
E-Mail: smdehghan@sutech.ac.ir
Room: CE 411
Phone: +98 71 3727 7656
Areas of Interest:
Seismic Behavior
Design and Performance of Steel and RC Structures
Seismic Isolation (Base Isolation) Systems
Passive Energy Dissipation Systems in Structures
Dynamics of Structures
Concrete Technology
Masonry Structures
Associate Professor
E-Mail: smdehghan@sutech.ac.ir
Room: CE 411
Phone: +98 71 3727 7656
Areas of Interest:
Seismic Behavior
Design and Performance of Steel and RC Structures
Seismic Isolation (Base Isolation) Systems
Passive Energy Dissipation Systems in Structures
Dynamics of Structures
Concrete Technology
Masonry Structures

Mohammad Ali Hadianfard
E-Mail: hadianfard@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (+98 71) 37277656
Areas of Interest:
Earthquake engineering
connections of steel structures
Nondestructive tests
progressive collapse
Damage detection
E-Mail: hadianfard@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: (+98 71) 37277656
Areas of Interest:
Earthquake engineering
connections of steel structures
Nondestructive tests
progressive collapse
Damage detection

Ali Akbar Hekmatzadeh
Associate Professor
E-Mail: hekmatzadeh@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: +98 71 37277656
Areas of Interest:
hydrology and water resource management
Water and wastewater treatment
Groundwater and surface water modeling
hydraulic structures
Pollution transport. Application of machine learning in water and environmental engineering
probabilistic simulation in water and environmental engineering.
Associate Professor
E-Mail: hekmatzadeh@sutech.ac.ir
Phone: +98 71 37277656
Areas of Interest:
hydrology and water resource management
Water and wastewater treatment
Groundwater and surface water modeling
hydraulic structures
Pollution transport. Application of machine learning in water and environmental engineering
probabilistic simulation in water and environmental engineering.

Ali Johari
E-Mail: johari@sutech.ac.ir
building: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Room: 415
Phone: +98 71 3727 7656
Areas of Interest:
Geotechnical risk and reliability
Geotechnical earthquake engineering
Slope stability
Artificial intelligent systems
Unsaturated soil
Soil improvement
E-Mail: johari@sutech.ac.ir
building: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Room: 415
Phone: +98 71 3727 7656
Areas of Interest:
Geotechnical risk and reliability
Geotechnical earthquake engineering
Slope stability
Artificial intelligent systems
Unsaturated soil
Soil improvement

Ali Lashkari
E-Mail: lashkari@sutech.ac.ir
building: Civil Engineering Department
Phone: Work: (+98) 71 37354501 (Ext. 2895) smartphone: (+98) 917 315 3205
Areas of Interest:
"Numerical Methods" "Experimental Methods in Geomechanics" "Soil Constitutive Modeling" "Discrete Element Method" "Soil Liquefaction" "Soil-structure Interface Behavior" "Unsaturated Soil Mechanics"
E-Mail: lashkari@sutech.ac.ir
building: Civil Engineering Department
Phone: Work: (+98) 71 37354501 (Ext. 2895) smartphone: (+98) 917 315 3205
Areas of Interest:
"Numerical Methods" "Experimental Methods in Geomechanics" "Soil Constitutive Modeling" "Discrete Element Method" "Soil Liquefaction" "Soil-structure Interface Behavior" "Unsaturated Soil Mechanics"

Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: najafgholipour@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Masonry Structures
Retrofitting of Existing Structures
Seismic Behavior of RC and Steel Structures
Dynamics of Structures
Concrete Technology
Structural Damage Detection and Health Monitoring
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: najafgholipour@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Masonry Structures
Retrofitting of Existing Structures
Seismic Behavior of RC and Steel Structures
Dynamics of Structures
Concrete Technology
Structural Damage Detection and Health Monitoring

Hossein Rahnema
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: rahnema@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 416
Phone: 2861
Areas of Interest:
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Seismic Hazard Analysis
Seismic surface wave method
Soil structure interaction
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: rahnema@sutech.ac.ir
Room: 416
Phone: 2861
Areas of Interest:
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Seismic Hazard Analysis
Seismic surface wave method
Soil structure interaction

Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Sahraeian
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: sahraeian@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Structural/Geotechnical earthquake engineering; Soil-structure interaction; Soil liquefaction; Physical modeling (centrifuge modeling and shake table tests); Site response analysis; Seismic hazard analysis.
Assistant Professor
E-Mail: sahraeian@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Structural/Geotechnical earthquake engineering; Soil-structure interaction; Soil liquefaction; Physical modeling (centrifuge modeling and shake table tests); Site response analysis; Seismic hazard analysis.

Piltan Tabatabaie Shourijeh
Associate Professor
E-Mail: piltan@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Soil Improvement
Environmental Geotechnics
Mine Tailings
Internal erosion and piping
Dam engineering
Experimental Geotechnics
Engineering Geology
Associate Professor
E-Mail: piltan@sutech.ac.ir
Areas of Interest:
Soil Improvement
Environmental Geotechnics
Mine Tailings
Internal erosion and piping
Dam engineering
Experimental Geotechnics
Engineering Geology